It's all over. I've finished up with my job at the outsourcing company (I can't recall if I've ever named them on this site; but don't intend to start doing so now) and am now on a 2 day 'mini holiday' before kicking off my new job.
This is the first time I've ever left a job and not been sad. I will miss a lot of the guys I worked with, but the company itself was (is) a terrible company to work for. I honestly don't know why I stayed there as long as I did ...
Well, actually I do. I was getting some things out of it that worked for me. But through the gradual erosion of entitlements and an increase in skills and knowledge the grind became too much and a new environment was needed.
The most overwhelming thing I learnt during my time at this company is just how important senior management are too setting a culture at the company. The decisions they make really do permeate through the company. I've also learnt the importance of communication and consistency.
Every manager I ever spoke to honestly seemed to care about the people in the company, but senior management (who were quite isolated) do what they have to do and try to make the company run more effectively. Unfortunately a lot of the decisions made impacted very badly on those of us further down the food chain ....
To the guys who are still there - keep fighting the good fighting and I hope it works out for each you both collectively and individually.