Friday, April 27, 2007

The Dark Dark Bat Cave

LGR's story:

The story will come later. LGR is a bit tired right now.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Batman

LGR: Knock knock

Me: Who's there?

LGR: Justin

Me: Justin Who?

LGR: Justin the neighbourhood - thought I'd drop by!!


LGR's story for this evening:

One day there was a person called Batman and then he told a joke. He said "Knock knock" and then said "Just in the neighbourhood - thought I'd drop by!".

The person inside that costume is actually called LGR.

And then that's the end.

The end.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


We only had one Anzac Day adventure (well - there were two outings but only of immediate significance) but it's worth telling.

At about 17:00 we departed our little house bound for an unknown (to the kids) destination. At about 17:15 we were next to Sydney Airport and LGR was excitedly remarking how much he'd like to visit. Next thing you know - that's where we are.

LGR was fascinated by the whole thing. He loved the check-in counter and the security booth's and in very short time declared it 'the best adventure' of his life. The food area overlooked a bunch of plane loading areas and both he and Hayzey were fascinated.

This theme of fascination continued until LGR realised that Mummy had brought along a big red bag for a reason - she was going away. He already knew she was going away but apparently it didn't occur to him that she might be catching a plane!!!

What followed was one of the sweetest conversations ever.

LGR: "Why does Mummy have to go Lemon?"

Daddy: "Lemon? Do you mean Orange?"

LGR: "Yeah. Orange - not Lemon!!"

Just retelling makes me get a big, goofy smile.

The departure was quite dramatic - with both kids chasing Mummy down to the departure gate and letting rip with a wall of tears. We watched Mummy get on the bus to the plane (only very small planes fly to Orange) and Hayzey quietly whispered "I love you Mummy".

It was very beautiful and more than a bit heart-breaking. I think LGR summed his feelings up very nicely when we got home (about 15 minutes back) - "It feels like we left Mummy behind."

We love our kids.


There's been some fantastic material in the Sydney Morning Herald over the past two days. There always is - but this stuff is worth repeating and/or referencing.


The first (in order that I saw them) is the article here. It's a cut-down guide to growing food in your backyard - or on your balcony. It really captured my interest because of my recent dietary advice; but also because if it works out I could save a few $$ and also participate in a small fashion to the growing move towards 'planetary responsibility' and self sustainability.


The second is a quote. I'll give the quote first:

"Australia at its best would see every single individual, irrespective of their gender or race or ability or country of origin, achieving their full potential and using their greatest strengths in the service of something bigger than they are, that they believe in."

I really like the feel of this. You hear our leaders (and perspective leaders) talk of opportunity and aspirations and hope - but nobody has managed to put into a single, elegant phrase like this. Where did it come from? A lady by the name of Therese Rein. For those who further care it should be pointed out she is the wife of a chappy called Kevin Rudd.


The last thing that I feel is particularly worthy of mention is the following letter. No commentary will be needed:

"Just before dawn in the darkness of the trees on the hill behind the Australian War Memorial in Canberra is a treasured time and place for me. As the pinpoint lights of a thousand candles flicker in the War Memorial service down the hill, I stand among the shadows, the whispers all around me.

Shadows of my father, my uncles, my mother, who all served in World War II and Korea. All gone, but there beside me in the trees. All whispering to me of the Australia they helped to keep safe.

The murmurs of the candle bearers faintly waft on the morning chill and slowly hush to silence as the bugler sounds The Last Post. The notes float clearly up through the trees, and the kookaburras stir from their slumber in the softness of dawn's early light.

It is at that moment that I see, hear and feel the great legacy left to me and to all Australians by those who went before us. God bless all those wonderful men and women whose sacrifices allowed us to prosper."

Monday, April 23, 2007

A Good News Day

Today we were 'invited' to lodge an application for LGR to attend the school we have both decided we would like him to attend. The application was at great pains to stress that this was not a guarantee of acceptance - but they also went out of their way to explain how much we would owe and when it would be due ....

This is good news. We were giving very serious thought to moving to a new location to get the kids into a more reputable school than our local public school. We have been told by all and sundry (including teachers, social workers and even police) that our local school is not very good and has a deserved reputation. We were naturally concerned about this - more so when you think about how placid and shy LGR can be.

We couldn't even get an out of area enrollment - the other local schools get swamped because of the school we didn't want LGR to go to and so they don't accept any out of area enrollments that fall into the area we are in .... Bugger.

Now we don't have to move. Obviously we still can if we want to but at the moment we don't want to.

All we have to do now is get a bunch of information together, attend an interview and commit to pay some money.


I got some magnificent video of the kids dancing tonight. They love it - and also love putting on a show for the camera. The only downside was the dancing was about 15 minutes before bedtime and it took a lot of calming down.

Hayzey does some cute things in bed. The sweetest is the habit she has developed of laying one of her blankets across the pillow and then laying her head on the blanket to go to sleep. Once she does this it's a fair sign that she is well and truly on the way out.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


It's been a busy couple of days. I've personally been crook but am on the mend - some cold and flu tablets, a fruit based diet and some sleep have taken care of that.

Where to start?

The kids are still doing swimming lessons - and are coming along nicely. This week Hayzey showed her first signs of truly swimming by moving about 5m through the water (with face in) while kicking and paddling. It was quite impressive. LGR is learning how to dive. Unfortunately he has discovered he is now tall enough to stand in the pool and is starting to take the easy way out.

My afternoon was spent out on the UA family farm helping to get ready for the boys night out prior to the wedding. We picked what I though was a lot of wood for a very large bonfire - only to find out we only have about 1/4 of what is actually needed .... The kids came with while Mrs G studied and they had a ball out there. They like the farm a lot and are very curious about why we don't have chickens, roosters, cows, horses etc.

Saturday night was spent at home with the kids. Mrs G was out and about on Aunt LJ's hen's night. Fortunately the kids were very, very tired because I was feeling very, very crook. Breathing was becoming an issue and getting upstairs felt like a marathon.

I woke on Sunday and felt a lot better - but not completely better. Breathing through my nose was once again possible. We were all very excited about our big day out in Wollongong. But not for long. It was canned due to a combination of other people having hangovers and some not so good looking weather. A quick ring around saw a second family drop out of the day's festivities so in the end Clan Jones and Clan McK boldly ventured over to Penrith Panther's for some fun.

The trip over was bizarre. We had all four kids in our car and 3 of them loved. LGR and Corky sat in the 3rd row of seats and nattered away merrily. Hayzey told me several times she was tired but never managed to go to sleep and AMcK assumed a buddhist meditative pose for the whole trip and didn't say boo.

Panther's was exactly what you'd expect - cheap and cheerful and a place where you don't have to worry too much about the kids getting into mischief. We had some lunch and the kids played in the playground and we hit some golf balls and that's about it.


So that's the weekend. In retelling it doesn't seem like much but in the doing it felt a whole heap busier.


I'm having some issues uploading pics for LGR's stories using Picassa's 'Blog This' function - it reports the upload has worked but when I view the page a day later the image is gone. I'm hoping I've fixed the issues now but if you something that doesn't look right let me know ....

Friday, April 20, 2007


No need for descriptions any more - I've figured out how to scan in colour. Hooray for me.

LGR's Story:

This one is called MOC. (Pause).

Once upon a time there were some people called Corky, LGR, Wim, Mummy, Daddy and AMcK and Hayzey. At the end of Australia Day there some fireworks. And then they all needed to go home. But they took a slice of cake and before that they had a little of a play outside. And then they needed to go home for a sleep. The end.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Smiley Face

This is the most recent LGR. Quite elegant in it's simplicity. This time the paper is sky blue and the crayon used is a vivid orange.

LGR's Story:

This one is called 'Timbuktu'. All right? Once there was a person who ate too many sweets. His name was LGR (Dad's edit there!!) and one tooth of his got wobbly. Just like the one right now. So he needed to go to the dentist and then he was going to go his best mates house and that's the end.
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Tree In A Cave

This is the first LGR picture that I ever scanned. I'm particularly proud of this one. As always it's very literal and quite abstract. The original colouring was black pen on blue lined paper.

LGR's Story:

Ok. Let me tell you. Once there was a big tree in the forest and one person came and chopped it down so, and then, they popped it in a cave and then - guess what? Then they ate it and took the leaves off and some white parrots came and sat on the branch of it and then guess what happened? And then, actually, they flew the cave out and then a clever person, who made the tree, put it back to pieces.

Almost a Month

It's been a while. But I'm back. There's been plenty happen and I won't bother to try to cover it all. We've finally got our new car. It's nice. I found out my family history of heart disease may come home to roost if I don't sort out my diet. That's not nice. Easter was 4 days off and we did nothing apart from a quick trip up the mountains. That was very, very nice.

I'll put up some pictures for everyone to see. LGR drew them. I like them.