LGR's Story:
His name is John Funny and his special name is Michael Tickle. Tickle.
He tickles everyone. He tickles all around the world.
He lived when dinosaurs were around. And the dinosaurs wanted to eat him. Then Batman flew in without a cape; with his Bat Rope. He thought the 'X' was a goodie and he was and Batman said "You are like an X-ray."
And then Robin flew in with a cape, and then Superman flew in with a cape and then the 'X' said "Hello. What's your name?" And they said "I'm Batman" and "I'm Robin" and "I'm Superman".
Robin and Superman thought he was a baddie and then Batman said "No - he's not a baddie."
LGR's Story:
This is a picture of when we were going to have a dog. His name was Boonie. We didn't get Boonie because I was too scared. Boonie was a little dog and he is yellow in this picture.
My kids are getting so big. At times I feel quite sad and melancholic about it - particularly when we stumble across an old photo album and flick through it. The kids love it. We all love it. It's fantastic to look back and remember times gone by. At the same time it's quite sad to think that those versions of our children now exist in our hearts, minds and various pictures and videos but we can no longer hug them or play with them.Then we remember that life is truly a journey and our's is still in it's early stages :-)---Our weekend was quite busy. It all started on Friday night when Clan McK visited for some dinner and a game. The kids all made a lot of noise and a lot mess and had a lot of fun. For some reason they all chose to walk around the house with no shirts on - including Hayzey. I'm convinced she thinks she's a boy ...Saturday started off with some swimming lessons. Again. LGR reckons he doesn't have to go any more. He readily acknowledges that he can't swim properly yet but for some reason seems quite content with what he can do. I think it's because he can stand up in the pool now. Cheeky bugger. Hayzey is quite happy. It's still a game for her.From swimming it was up to Katoomba for Grandma's birthday. First stop was her home for swim quick cake (and banana and grape and cheese if you're aged 4 or less); then a walk up to the top of Katoomba St for lunch. It was a nice, leisurely old stroll and the kids handled it very well considering the massive hills we had to traverse.We did run into a little issue at lunch time - the place we wanted to go was shut!! No matter. Plan B swung into action and we ended up at the Carrington. I've never eaten there before - but have had plenty of loud, long nights there in a life long since past. The food was good - cafe style unfortunately at restaurant prices. In balancing that out the serves were generous and it was tasty. The kiddies loved the little play area near where we sat - so we all got something out of the meal.The afternoon consisted of a quick snooze, some games and a run in the park before packing up and heading over the Nanna's for dinner. The kids continued a very active day by heading out into the backyard to ride bikes, throw balls and generally keep moving. A bath was very much required (Hayzey had all sorts of stuff in her hair - mainly from the park) and very much enjoyed. The bath toys were quite novel and Nanna's bath is a touch bigger than ours.Dinner was eaten (Hayzey was thrilled - the salad had fetta, tomato and olives), dishes done and a further bit of gamery had before we began the not too long but very weary trip home.Sunday ....Sunday started very early for me. At about 04:00 we heard a very loud bang inside the house. We got up to investigate but couldn't figure out what it was. Alas my sleep was disturbed so I stayed up. Mrs G had no such issues ....LGR wandered downstairs at about 06:45 and Hayzey and Mrs G joined us at about 07:45. LGR had a crack at some American style brekky pancakes but I got some quantities mixed up and they ended up tasting terrible. Better luck next time. It was fun making them and that's what I really wanted to get out of it.The day was busy - grocery shopping with some side trips for birthday's, Mum's day and whatever else is coming up. Lunch was quick and easy. LGR and I then mowed the grass while Mrs G and Hayzey went out to a party. After the grass mowing we had an 'Eagles party' which was really just the two of us eating some corn chips, sipping a drink and watching the footy. This lasted for about 20 minutes and then it was off for a shower and some house work.The rest of the day was more of the same. Dinner was anything but ordinary. While out shopping we bought a nice, fat round of beef. LGR and I marinated it and then we roasted it up with some potato, pumpkin and onion; boiled some broccoli and cauliflower and ate it. The meat was fantastic. We were a bit unsure when we bought it but in hindsight we can see where the extra money that we paid for it was spent and were well satisfied.
Hi there Fafa (aka Grandma). The Jones Clan of Prestons wish you a very happy birthday and an outstanding year to come.
We'd like to sing you a song but I understand that's already been done ;-)
LGR still hasn't managed to finish telling his last story. Every time we decide to do it he tells me he is 'too tired'. I guess that's a phrase he has heard Mummy and Daddy mutter from time to time ...
Over the weekend we had the bux night for UA. Over the course of the previous weekend a bonfire building exercise had been held - but Saturday night was the first time I'd seen it. Impressively tall.
What to say about the night? I liked the bonfire - a lot. I met some interesting guys and learnt a thing or two about UA's past. Nothing bad or embarrassing - just stuff about when he was a kid and some of his growing up experiences. I learnt the thrill of being a hunter/gatherer type of guy and appreciated some quiet, reflective moments when I could look up into the clear, cool sky and see stars.
I enjoyed it.
Sunday was a bit hard - due to fatigue and not the mildly anticipated hangover (I drank 3L of water during the course of the evening and this seems to have helped out a lot). I had to leave the farm early in order to be home for a 3 year old's birthday party. At the Wiggles play centre of all places.
We had a great dinner - although it won't sound like much. It was some teriyaki beef and fried rice - all home made. LGR gulped the meat down. Massive surprise - he usually won't even try red meat. The rice was liked by all and a 30cm fry-pan of it was consumed during the course of a single meal. I may have had 2 or 3 serves but I wouldn't be alone in that regard.
I was shot by this time; and I ended up passing out while watching a show on SBS at about 19:50 .... I'm not sure if Mrs G was amused or horrified.
LGR is convinced I'm the funniest guy in the world courtesy of my outstanding knock knock jokes and something I unleashed in the car yesterday. On the way home from Kindy Hayzey was asking for her blanket (which is still called a mimi). I got a bit frustrated and uttered some words to the effect of "I can't just pull one out of my ..... nose."
The effect was instantaneous - a riot of laughter from a 4 year old boy. He would start to slow down - then say "Out of my nose!" and start up again. It was a real deep, full throttle laugh which I love hearing. It got even better when Hayz picked up on it and started saying "Mimi nose; mimi nose". More hilarity followed.