LGR still hasn't managed to finish telling his last story. Every time we decide to do it he tells me he is 'too tired'. I guess that's a phrase he has heard Mummy and Daddy mutter from time to time ...
Over the weekend we had the bux night for UA. Over the course of the previous weekend a bonfire building exercise had been held - but Saturday night was the first time I'd seen it. Impressively tall.
What to say about the night? I liked the bonfire - a lot. I met some interesting guys and learnt a thing or two about UA's past. Nothing bad or embarrassing - just stuff about when he was a kid and some of his growing up experiences. I learnt the thrill of being a hunter/gatherer type of guy and appreciated some quiet, reflective moments when I could look up into the clear, cool sky and see stars.
I enjoyed it.
Sunday was a bit hard - due to fatigue and not the mildly anticipated hangover (I drank 3L of water during the course of the evening and this seems to have helped out a lot). I had to leave the farm early in order to be home for a 3 year old's birthday party. At the Wiggles play centre of all places.
We had a great dinner - although it won't sound like much. It was some teriyaki beef and fried rice - all home made. LGR gulped the meat down. Massive surprise - he usually won't even try red meat. The rice was liked by all and a 30cm fry-pan of it was consumed during the course of a single meal. I may have had 2 or 3 serves but I wouldn't be alone in that regard.
I was shot by this time; and I ended up passing out while watching a show on SBS at about 19:50 .... I'm not sure if Mrs G was amused or horrified.
LGR is convinced I'm the funniest guy in the world courtesy of my outstanding knock knock jokes and something I unleashed in the car yesterday. On the way home from Kindy Hayzey was asking for her blanket (which is still called a mimi). I got a bit frustrated and uttered some words to the effect of "I can't just pull one out of my ..... nose."
The effect was instantaneous - a riot of laughter from a 4 year old boy. He would start to slow down - then say "Out of my nose!" and start up again. It was a real deep, full throttle laugh which I love hearing. It got even better when Hayz picked up on it and started saying "Mimi nose; mimi nose". More hilarity followed.