Everyone in Clan Jones loves to read.
Hayzey will grab two or three books and bring them to the nearest adult (while chanting "ook ook ook"). She hands them over, clambers up onto a knee or lap and then turns the pages faster than that person can read. Once they have been looked over she hops down, puts the books back and almost always brings some more. And so on and so forth.
LGR is different. He likes one book at a time, and he likes to take his time. He asks a lot of questions and is very keen to immerse himself in the emotions and actions of the characters.
Mrs G reads all sorts of things. Of late there's been a lot of non-fiction.
And myself? I've just been through a massive Richard North Patterson binge (which follows on from Clive Barker, Dan Simmons, Alan Gold and Nelson DeMille binges) but my latest passion is 'The Dark Tower' series by Stephen King. I am finally reading book 7 - the final book.
At a guess I'd say the series spans 3000-4000 pages, and it ties in elements of almost every book he has ever written. It's fascinating to watch all these seemingly disparate stories bind together and merge into an all encompassing tale. I'll be quite sad when I reach the end of the book; but that won't stop me reading.
My knee is getting along. I can swim and ride a bike, but not run. Probably in July for that one. It's a bit frustrating right now. My knee is fine when I walk but I know that if I run I'll injure myself and be right back where I started.
But I want to run dammit!!
Patience is a virtue and I need some right now .....