It's been a long time since I posted. Much has happened.
If I go right back to the beginning I can start with my sister's engagement party up in the Mountains. This turned into a 3 day festival of fun, food and drink for some of us. My body was reeling by the end of it but it was a shitload of fun.
Day 1 was Saturday. At about 13:00 LGR and I were dropped off at my Mum's place and Mrs G and Hayzey took off to Grandma's. The afternoon was spend preparing foods for the Sunday party, putting up a tent to sleep in (for myself, LGR, Aunt LJ and UA) and purchasing beverages for consumption at whatever time was deemed appropriate.
At about 6:30 we met Mrs G, Hayz and Grandma at the bowl-o for some Chinese. Also joining us were great-Nanna and the cousin clan H from somewhere in the south west of country NSW (I know where they come from but in the interests of privacy I won't say where). We ate and talked and had some fun. In the end we had to leave because the kids were getting a touch tired. My Mum had to drive an unfamiliar car home and a bunch of fun was had watching her get used to it. She did a good job though and we were all delivered home safely.
Next stop was the camping expedition. We lit up a little campfire and toasted some marshmallows. LGR was still going strong. He was refusing to go to sleep until the camping was on - even to the point of making himself stay awake in the car. Impressive stuff from the young man!!
We decided to sleep at about 23:00 and all went well until the camp light went out. LGR started crying. He wanted Mummy and Hayzey to be with us; and he wanted us all to be in our beds at home. It was very sweet and in the end I hugged him to sleep. For me this was the best part of the weekend. Along with the request for a hug at 02:45, the proclamation that enough sleep had been had at 04:30 and his booming announcement to the whole tent at 05:30 that it was daytime and we should start playing :-)
The day of the party itself came and went. It was a good day and a good party. On a personal level it was tarnished a bit by Hayzey's illness - it had developed overnight and Mrs G didn't get any more sleep than I had received. Everyone had fun and was with a deal of sadness that Mrs and I realised we should take the kids home for some much needed sleep in their own beds.
We all had a bit of a sleep in on the Monday public holiday. For me it was up to about 06:00 but everyone was still asleep when I got home from my run. The day was spent doing some chores and groceries and very little. At about 13:00 we found out that Aunt LG and UA were going to pop over with cousin PH to pick up some baby things we didn't need anymore and for a bit more of a catchup. It ended up turning into a very good BBQ dinner with a solid amount of beer and more fun to be had.
It was very sweet to get to bed ....