The last couple of days have been nuts in a professional sense. I think they've been the busiest and most harried work days I've ever experienced. I think having a couple of guys up at a conference in Queensland might be part of the problem ...
Mrs G got a new job this week. Same company but different role. She's quite happy about it - and I'm happy that she's happy.
The kids have been quite sweet. I was late home from work last night and when I walked in the door LGR asked me, in a very concerned voice "Why are you late Daddy? I was worried about you." Very sweet.
Hayzey continues to whisper. I'm not sure if my musings have been published or not - maybe they were in the post that was lost. Just in case ...
As we take her up the stairs to go to bed each night we've started whispering good night to her. Hayzey whispers good night back to us - "Night night Dadda". Mrs G gets the same thing. Right down to being called Dadda.