The last week has been very busy; but also with some nice quiet moments thrown in.
Rewinding .......
Mrs G flew down to Canberra last Wednesday for a bit of work - meaning I had the pleasure of looking after the kids. It gets easier every time - both are champs when it comes to bedtime and in many ways they more or less look after themselves. I ended up giving LGR a camera and he very proudly took a plethora of photoes for us to use.
Thursday was a short day at work - because I had to drop off and pick up the kids from Kindy. It's a bit inconvenient but a short day is usually a good day. The evening was tinged with sadness. LGR's new camera was smashed - by Hayzey in a fit of 2 year old rage. LGR cried for almost 20 minutes and kept telling me about how much he wanted to be a 'retrographet' when he got bigger. It was very sad and I felt terrible for him.
Once all this was down we packed the car and headed down the Hume to Canberra - to meet Mum and visit Grandpa. As expected there was a lot of traffic on the freeway - APEC had certainly caused folks to leave town en masse. The trip itself was quite good - apart from the traffic and the handful of morons who were driving very erratically.
Friday was mostly cruisy. We rocked into Grandpa's cafe for brekky and then took the scenic route to a discount factory outlet to get some clothes for the kids. It was right next to Canberra airport and LGR liked watching the planes. The afternoon was nothing much - mainly hanging around Grandpa's house. Mrs G and I did manage a run (in the rain) which was quite a novelty for us.
At about 17:00 Aunt LJ and UA arrived and by about 18:00 we were out for dinner. Unfortunately LGR got quite crook and the evening was somewhat circumvented ....
Saturday ... A very late breakfast at Grandpa's cafe and then off to Questacon. Every man and his dog was there - and then a few more as well. I'm not sure if the kids enjoyed it or not. They certainly got very tired towards the end and I got on several wrong roads on the way back to Grandpa's.
The afternoon consisted of LGR, myself and UA going out to hit some golf balls. This was a lot of fun. For me it was great to hit again and for LGR it was a buzz to get the balls off the tee. I think UA just enjoyed hitting something really hard ....
Dinner was roast. Lamb and chicken. Quite good. My only complaint is that I didn't get myself enough food. No-one to blame except myself for that one .... The day was topped by a rousing victory by the mightly Eagles in the first round of the semi-finals.
Sunday .... Everyone seems to be a little tired. We all travelled a very short distance to visit the Dinosaur Museum. Both kids enjoyed this one. A lot. It was much better than I anticipated too. They got certificates (which we've lost) and some pressies. Next was a quick stop at the markets and then back to Sydney via lunch somewhere along the way.
During lunch I asked LGR what his favourite part of the trip was. The answer? Playing with Cherid the dog!!! I almost fell off my chair ... Apparently we are getting a dog soon.
The week since getting back has been quite busy. The kids have done a million sweet things. Hayzey has gone 5 consecutive days since messing her pants at Kindy (this will surprise those who saw her on Friday afternoon ...) and LGR has claimed to discover the concept of a sleepin. He hasn't practiced it however.