Monday, February 11, 2008

A Gleam In The Eye

LGR showed me some of the school work he has been doing this evening. One of the items was a pre-reading workbook which required him to do some things such as choose the letter that didn't match a reference letter, chooose a letter which did match the reference letter and choose a letter that was a different size to the others ie making sure he had the visual acuity to differentiate between characters (if he can't differentiate he can't read ...)

He got everything right in the workbook - 100%. Not a single mistake. I told him how impressed I was and then went a step further and told him that nobody in the entire world could have done a better job than he did - it was as good as anybody ever could and ever would do. His eyes lit up and a massive smile illuminated his face. It was brilliant and if I could bottle it I would make millions. But would never sell it :-)


We had a pretty good weekend. I guess it all started on Friday evening. The Chef's came around for dinner and, as usual, the kids more or less all entertained each other and let the adults have a bit of a chat. Saturday was a trip to swimming lessons and then off to lunch for UA's birthday meal. A large chunk of the family was there and a good time had by all. On the way to lunch we meandered through a caryard and saw a very nice looking Mini Cooper S. LGR and Hayz were so taken by it they told the salesman they would buy it. LGR even offered to do some jobs for pocket money to be able to buy it!!!

Saturday evening and Sunday were very mellow affairs - a lot of hanging around the house with not much to do and no real motivation to do anything. Grandma came down for lunch on Sunday and settled into the mellow them quite nicely.