Hi Y'all.
It's been a while. I wont' even attempt to explain what I've been up to - most people will find it trivial, boring, unremarkable - whatever. Suffice to say a combination of business, fatigue and apathy has contributed to the large-ish gap in blog entries.
On to the real stuff ....
I was driving LGR and Hayzey home yesterday and I asked Hayzey a question. Her answer was "Because" ....
Dad: Because why?
Hayzey: Just because.
Dad: Is there a reason why?
Hayzey: Because.
LGR: Because isn't an answer. Because doesn't mean anything. Right Dad?
Dad: That's right. Do you know it doesn't mean anything?
LGR: Because because is .... I can't begin an answer with because can I Dad?
Dad: Not really.
LGR: Ok.
LGR: Hayzey - you have to give a proper answer. Because isn't an answer because it doesn't mean anything. Can I use because in the middle a sentence Dad?
Dad: Of course.
LGR: So what's your answer Hayzey?
Hayzey: I don't have an answer. I just have because ....
A had a very good chuckle over this conversation. I never found out why Hayzey said what she did (which, just for the record, was that I couldn't go to sleep while I was driving the car ...)