I was having a chat with Hayzey about something rather obscure (as they all are I guess ...) and I asked her why she kept going around in circles.
"Because it's fun. It makes me dizzy. Like on a roundabout."
What??? A few minutes later I was lucky enough to learn about kid adults. Apparently these are 8 year old kids. They're still kids, but they're also adults because they are bigger.
A had a pretty good Father's Day yesterday. In the morning I wasn't allowed downstairs and wasn't going to be told why. Eventually (very eventually - about 30 minutes) I was told it was time. There were 21 Mars Bars hidden around the place and I had to find them. It was LGR's idea and he was so excited - to the point where he would hover over a hiding place looking straight at the Mars Bar waiting for me to find it!!
After this it was present time and both kids made me something and presented their made gifts with utmost pride. I was very touched by their sincerity.
The day itself was pretty good. We went into town and watched the Ben10 movie using some VIP tickets (it's nice to work where I do - on occasions) and then meandered around The Entertainment Quarter (as it's called) doing not much. It was a pleasant day and the kids were happy so all was good.