My second post in a week .....
Poor Mrs Jones is quite crook - to the extent where so far she has taken 2.5 days off and will probably have tomorrow off. She even cancelled trips to Canberra and Brisbane.
Must be serious.
Not sure what else I should talk about. LGR is back at school and loving it. Again. He has more homework to do and seems to be less keen to do it than he was in the past. He also seems to be quite tired each night. I also have to keep reminding myself that he is now a 6 year old and not a 5 year old boy.
He seems to be getting quite tall too.
Hayzey learnt some new words at kindy this week to describe some 'delicate' parts of the female. When she blurts them out I can't help but have a chuckle.
Random thought ... We are thinking about changing the kids swimming school. LGR is tall enough to stand up in the pool and won't make an effort to swim properly anymore - because he can save himself anytime he wants to. No fault on the swim school - just a function of age I guess.