I've sort of been on holidays for a bit now - I took the Wednesday and Thursday prior to Easter off and then had the Easter weekend. It was nice to have a break; and nice to be able to look after Mrs G a little bit (she's stubbornly independent at times and doesn't always respond positively to expressions of concern).
So what have I been up to?
Last Wednesday started with a bit of a sleep in and then dropping the kids at school. After this Mrs G and I went out for some shopping - some DVD's, BBQ coals and some camping stuff .... In the afternoon we kicked back a little and watched 'Australia' - the movie directed by Baz and starring our Nichole and our Hugh.
I was captivated by Nulla - the half-caste aboriginal kid. I couldn't help but see Hayz in him; particularly in the clear brown eyes, hair colour and strong, open gaze. For me it personalised the movie in a way that the leads could not.
The afternoon saw us at soccer training for Hayz. I'm not sure how or why but she suddenly figured out soccer and ran rings around everyone. She potted at least 8 goals in their training game and was close to unstoppable. Mummy and Daddy were both very proud :-)
Dinner was provided for us courtesy of LGR's school. They had heard we were going through some interesting times and decided to help out by providing a meal. Nice sentiment but I don't think we really needed it.
Thursday was the day of the end of term assembly for LGR. It was nice for both myself and Mrs G to be able to attend - made even more thrilling by LGR getting an award. He has made massive improvements at school this term and we loved seeing it be acknowledged.
The afternoon was a lot of camping prep activities. As always we packed a billion things .... One day we will get better at packing for trips and not take everything we own.
We had some dinner guests on Thursday night - Aunt BJ and her new (old) male associate. It was quite a pleasant evening which has highlighted by LGR serenading us on his guitar while we ate dinner :-)