I don't think Hayz is ugly ....

Regardless ....
I don't really have a lot news. I've booked a trip for Mum and myself up to Queensland in mid May. I promised Mum a holiday for her Christmas present, but chemo had to stop first. Chemo has stopped and she is in between treatments so we are going to jump on a plane, get off at Coolangatta and spend a few days on the Gold Coast. Apart from knowing that Mum wants to catch up with a friend I'm not too sure of what we will do.
I've had a bit of a crook back this week. I hurt it lifting a kid over a fence on Saturday night (have I already written about that??). It gets a little better each day but I haven't been able to exercise since last Friday and I'm getting a bit restless. I might be able to go out and do something on Saturday. Maybe.