Today I have been inducted into the world of Facebook - or FB as I am seeing it frequently called.
I find it kind of bizarre that it's taken me this long to get involved in it - my job has been IT based for 9 years now but I've never really cared about the consumer side of it. I've always been about the technology challenge and what I could make it do - not what an end user could do with it.
But now I'm the user and I'm pretty impressed. I see some of the things that are being offered and I think of how they could possibly be applied in my current work situation. Not much of it what would be easy to implement ....
It's also kind of exciting. I like being a 'noob' and experimenting with stuff. I am also surprised to find that that I take a particular delight in others contacting me and saying they want to be my friend. It doesn't mean much - to make such an offer is just a single mouse click - but at the same time it's kind of nice.
Maybe some events in my personal life are having an impact on my 'social' life.
Anyway - FB is going to be a part of my life for a while and we'll see what comes of it.