A few days back I'm pretty sure Hayzey tried to mimic a conversation being held by saying the word 'Tastic' after someone had said fantastic. It was cute.
The weekend was massive for us. We went out both days and had a good time both days. Saturday was a pretty slow breakfast of pancakes followed by a quick trip to swimming lessons. Hayzey wasn't real happy about them this week but LGR is forging ahead very nicely.
From the pool it was a dash up the mountains to have lunch with Grandma and dinner with Nanna. In the middle of it all we went out for a leisurely stroll thru the main shopping centre and then LGR and I visited a park. LGR was excited about visiting Nanna - Bain was there and LGR and Bain don't get to play that often. They both had a good time.
Sunday was a trip out to visit Aunt LG and uAl. Nanna and Bain were there as well, and there was a lot of fun had in both of the pools (one is semi-permanent at LJ's place and the other was provided by us - primarily for Hayzey's use). We had a pretty handy BBQ with way too much and some very special brownies for dessert. The weather gradually got warmer and warmer, and the kids got louder and louder. It was fun.
So that was our weekend. We organised Saturday on Friday evening, and organised Sunday over dinner on Saturday and the whole thing was a bunch of fun for all parties concerned.
We've got a new message on our machine - featuring the voice of LGR!! It's worth a listen. You might even be able to hear this one ....
Monday, January 30, 2006
Friday, January 27, 2006
Australia Day
Well folks - it was a pretty Aussie Australia Day for us.
Weet Bix for breakfast. Then we made some muffins and caramel slice. I got out and mowed the (foot long) grass and then climbed up on the roof to get down a ball I knocked up there in the ensuing game of cricket.
Lunch was a couple of salad sandwiches, or baked beans on toast. Depends on who you are. The afternoon consisted of watching the cricket, having a couple of quiet bevvies and then an attempt at a BBQ. This failed - because we ran out of gas.
So we had to cook our sausages inside; but the accompanying potato and green salads were first rate.
A pretty good Australia Day.
The highlight however had to be LGR asking Mrs G 'Who's Boony?' while having a bath :-)
Weet Bix for breakfast. Then we made some muffins and caramel slice. I got out and mowed the (foot long) grass and then climbed up on the roof to get down a ball I knocked up there in the ensuing game of cricket.
Lunch was a couple of salad sandwiches, or baked beans on toast. Depends on who you are. The afternoon consisted of watching the cricket, having a couple of quiet bevvies and then an attempt at a BBQ. This failed - because we ran out of gas.
So we had to cook our sausages inside; but the accompanying potato and green salads were first rate.
A pretty good Australia Day.
The highlight however had to be LGR asking Mrs G 'Who's Boony?' while having a bath :-)
Monday, January 23, 2006
Life's A Beach
Another highly satisfying weekend had by the Jones clan. Makes it very hard to return to work on Monday ...
The weekend kicked off with swimming lessons; but now we go to a place which is a specialist learn to swim centre and is only 5 minutes from home. This was our first day of lessons here and both LGR and Hayzey are enrolled. The difference in quality was noticeable and LGR has regained his enthusiasm for learning how to swim.
After lessons it was home for a quick shower and then a trip to Penriff for a spot of lunch at Panarotti's. This was bit of a trial run to see what we could get away with on the holiday and it pleases me to say the kids were oustanding. We now know that Hayley will eat spaghetti and LGR enjoys the idea of going out to eat. Keeping them entertained seems to be the key.
After lunch we headed on over to Parramatta for a bit of shopping and to pick up some fruit and then it was home for dinner, some games and bed.
Sunday was the beach day. We packed up and headed off to Curl Curl beach - based on the strength of a review we saw in the Sydney for Under 5's book. It was a bunch of fun. Aunt LJ and her man met us there and we played for a bit and had some lunch. Both kids loved the 'beach entry' style tidal pools and they also both played the run to the water / away from the waves game. Hayzey isn't real quick yet and got swamped a few times but almost always got up laughing. When she got sick of that she just stood on the beach facing the surf and yelled at it.
LGR and I also took the opportunity to go and explore a rocky outcropping near the tidal pools and I'm pretty sure he enjoyed this. He was certainly full of questions.
We also set a new beach staying record - 2.5 hours. This means we are now at the point where we spend more time at the beach then we spend getting to and from the beach!!
The weekend kicked off with swimming lessons; but now we go to a place which is a specialist learn to swim centre and is only 5 minutes from home. This was our first day of lessons here and both LGR and Hayzey are enrolled. The difference in quality was noticeable and LGR has regained his enthusiasm for learning how to swim.
After lessons it was home for a quick shower and then a trip to Penriff for a spot of lunch at Panarotti's. This was bit of a trial run to see what we could get away with on the holiday and it pleases me to say the kids were oustanding. We now know that Hayley will eat spaghetti and LGR enjoys the idea of going out to eat. Keeping them entertained seems to be the key.
After lunch we headed on over to Parramatta for a bit of shopping and to pick up some fruit and then it was home for dinner, some games and bed.
Sunday was the beach day. We packed up and headed off to Curl Curl beach - based on the strength of a review we saw in the Sydney for Under 5's book. It was a bunch of fun. Aunt LJ and her man met us there and we played for a bit and had some lunch. Both kids loved the 'beach entry' style tidal pools and they also both played the run to the water / away from the waves game. Hayzey isn't real quick yet and got swamped a few times but almost always got up laughing. When she got sick of that she just stood on the beach facing the surf and yelled at it.
LGR and I also took the opportunity to go and explore a rocky outcropping near the tidal pools and I'm pretty sure he enjoyed this. He was certainly full of questions.
We also set a new beach staying record - 2.5 hours. This means we are now at the point where we spend more time at the beach then we spend getting to and from the beach!!
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Mrs Gazzarus and myself celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary recently. We went out (sans kids) for the first time in nearly 18 months.
We started the evening by travelling over to Parramatta and looking for a Thai restaurant - which proved very elusive. In the end we gave up and revisited a place we frequented during our time at Westmead. Ended up having salt & chilli squad, dry fried beef with rice noodles and a very nice Semillon. The place looked as though it had been revamped a little, but was still little more than a hole in the wall type restaurant.
We'll go back there again :-)
After dinner it was a short walk up to the Riverside Theatre to watch a comedy called All Wear Bowlers. It was mostly good. The first 20 minutes were as funny as anything I've seen for a long time but towards the end it got a touch arty farty and some of it went over my head. But it was good and I'm glad we went.
The evening was finished with some gelato by the River and nice drive home in the rain.
We started the evening by travelling over to Parramatta and looking for a Thai restaurant - which proved very elusive. In the end we gave up and revisited a place we frequented during our time at Westmead. Ended up having salt & chilli squad, dry fried beef with rice noodles and a very nice Semillon. The place looked as though it had been revamped a little, but was still little more than a hole in the wall type restaurant.
We'll go back there again :-)
After dinner it was a short walk up to the Riverside Theatre to watch a comedy called All Wear Bowlers. It was mostly good. The first 20 minutes were as funny as anything I've seen for a long time but towards the end it got a touch arty farty and some of it went over my head. But it was good and I'm glad we went.
The evening was finished with some gelato by the River and nice drive home in the rain.
Life Explained
I found this in my mailbox a few minutes ago ...
On the first day God created the dog. God said, "Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. I will give you a life span of twenty years."
The dog said, "That's too long to be barking. Give me ten years and I'll give you back the other ten." So God agreed.
On the second day God created the monkey. God said, "Entertain people, do monkey tricks, make them laugh. I'll give you a twenty-year life span. The monkey said, "How boring, monkey tricks for twenty years? I don't think so. Dog gave you back ten, so that's what I'll do too, okay?"
And God agreed..
On the third day God created the cow. God said, "You must go to the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the farmer. I will give you a life span of sixty years." The cow said, "That's kind of a tough life you want me to live for sixty years. Let me have twenty and I'll give back the other forty."
And God agreed again.
On the fourth day God created man. God said, "Eat, sleep, play, marry and enjoy your life. I'll give you twenty years." Man said, "What? Only twenty years! Tell you what, I'll take my twenty, and the forty the cow gave back and the ten the monkey gave back and the ten the dog gave back, that makes eighty, okay?"
Okay," said God, "You've got a deal."
So that is why the first twenty years we eat, sleep, play, and enjoy ourselves; for the next forty years we slave in the sun to support our family; for the next ten years we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren; and for the last ten years we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone.
Life has now been explained to you.
On the first day God created the dog. God said, "Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. I will give you a life span of twenty years."
The dog said, "That's too long to be barking. Give me ten years and I'll give you back the other ten." So God agreed.
On the second day God created the monkey. God said, "Entertain people, do monkey tricks, make them laugh. I'll give you a twenty-year life span. The monkey said, "How boring, monkey tricks for twenty years? I don't think so. Dog gave you back ten, so that's what I'll do too, okay?"
And God agreed..
On the third day God created the cow. God said, "You must go to the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the farmer. I will give you a life span of sixty years." The cow said, "That's kind of a tough life you want me to live for sixty years. Let me have twenty and I'll give back the other forty."
And God agreed again.
On the fourth day God created man. God said, "Eat, sleep, play, marry and enjoy your life. I'll give you twenty years." Man said, "What? Only twenty years! Tell you what, I'll take my twenty, and the forty the cow gave back and the ten the monkey gave back and the ten the dog gave back, that makes eighty, okay?"
Okay," said God, "You've got a deal."
So that is why the first twenty years we eat, sleep, play, and enjoy ourselves; for the next forty years we slave in the sun to support our family; for the next ten years we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren; and for the last ten years we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone.
Life has now been explained to you.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
One of the greatest pleasures Mrs G and I get out being parents is watching the kids interact. In general they are quite good with each other -but are more than capable of having a good argument. To our surprise (and some amusement) Hayzey is just as likely to pick the fight as LGR.
But there also moments when the two of them get lost in their own little world - and it's not uncommon for them to be playing and suddenly erupt into spontaneous laughter or come bursting through a door/passage way with huge grins on their face.
But there also moments when the two of them get lost in their own little world - and it's not uncommon for them to be playing and suddenly erupt into spontaneous laughter or come bursting through a door/passage way with huge grins on their face.

LGR's Christmas Enthusiasm
The Couch
New Things
So what's new in the life of the Jones clan? A few things.
Hayzey no longer crawls - she walks everywhere. She 'talks' a lot, but has also discovered the magic of sitting down with a book or two and flicking through the pages. There is some musical appreciation developing also - Miss Hayz knows the actions to Rock a Bye Your Bear (for those who don't know this is a massive Wiggles tune!!) and seems to appreciate The Screaming Jets a little also :-) She has also developed the very impressive skill of turning around on the spot without falling over. Last but not least - if she has a dirty nappy she will grab a clean one and take it to whoever is closest to get changed.
LGR is growing up far too quickly for my liking. Every now and then he comes out with the most impressively well mannered statements. Last night he was eating some pasta I cooked and declared to all and sundry "Hmmm ... This is perfect" He must have meant it because he ate two serves. LGR is also developing a sense of humour and loves sitting around with us telling jokes. He also enjoys good natured teasing/practical jokes. Last night we pretended to lock Mummy outside while it was raining and this was quite funny.
LGR has also developed a cute habit of changing his mind. He'll agree to something and then about 10s later start off with "Well actually - I've changed my mind". And he likes to propose toasts before meals. A few nights back he set off on a speech which lasted close to 2 minutes and was full of thanks to everyone he knows for just about everything that he could think of ....
Mrs G and I are back in the swing of work after the relative hiatus of the Christmas/New Year period. I'm still short guys at work and am feeling the strain; but as is the nature of being put under the pump I'm also learning plenty.
There's only 4 weeks left until our much spoken about trip - and do you think there isn't some excitement about it?? Even LGR is getting wound up in it. I suspect this is equal parts anticipation about going to Wiggles World and Australia Zoo and equal part curiousity about what a holiday actually is.
I watched a movie a few nights back called Supersize Me - which I'm sure some of you have heard about (see also a bunch of everyman reviews and this excellent Wikipedia reference which is far more comprehensive than what I'm about to write).
In a nutshell it's a 95 minute documentary on obesity with the main emphasis being the commercialisation, marketing and acceptance of 'junk food'. To make a point the narrator of the documentary goes on a 30 day McDonalds binge where the only food or drinks he consumes is bought from McDonalds. He had to eat everything from the menu at least once and if he was asked to upsize (or supersize) then he had to accept.
The results were particularly shocking. His liver started acting like he'd been a lifelong alcoholic, his weight skyrocketed, his cholesterol went through the roof and every doctor who was monitoring him advised him to stop after about 20 days. He didn't, and managed to survive, but it was very frightening to see how quickly his body was changing.
The two things that most intrigued me (there was a lot that captured my thoughts - including the fact that his 'experiment' was deliberately flawed to ensure an outcome that was consistent with his message) were:
1 - His body started to adapt to the less than healthy lifestyle in the last week (as indicated by blood tests - although his weight continued to increase) which makes me wonder if part of the apparent impact wasn't just his body over-reacting in a bid to maintain homeostasis
2 - The crap that the USA government approves (via funding) for schools to provide (free) to students. It was justified (and I use the term loosely) by saying providing a variety allowed the students to make smart choices - but all the food shown in the film was greasy, deep fried or fat laden. Not much chance to make a good choice there ....
It really made me stop and think - particularly about the food habits I may or may not be teaching LGR and Hayzey. My diet is not too bad on the whole - but I'm sure everyone out there has seen me tuck in on more than one occasion. There's always fruit and veg in the house and we eat plenty of chicken but at the same time there's so much room for improvement.
And this film showed graphically what can happen if we don't improve - both individually and as a community.
Go and see it. I dare you.
Hayzey no longer crawls - she walks everywhere. She 'talks' a lot, but has also discovered the magic of sitting down with a book or two and flicking through the pages. There is some musical appreciation developing also - Miss Hayz knows the actions to Rock a Bye Your Bear (for those who don't know this is a massive Wiggles tune!!) and seems to appreciate The Screaming Jets a little also :-) She has also developed the very impressive skill of turning around on the spot without falling over. Last but not least - if she has a dirty nappy she will grab a clean one and take it to whoever is closest to get changed.
LGR is growing up far too quickly for my liking. Every now and then he comes out with the most impressively well mannered statements. Last night he was eating some pasta I cooked and declared to all and sundry "Hmmm ... This is perfect" He must have meant it because he ate two serves. LGR is also developing a sense of humour and loves sitting around with us telling jokes. He also enjoys good natured teasing/practical jokes. Last night we pretended to lock Mummy outside while it was raining and this was quite funny.
LGR has also developed a cute habit of changing his mind. He'll agree to something and then about 10s later start off with "Well actually - I've changed my mind". And he likes to propose toasts before meals. A few nights back he set off on a speech which lasted close to 2 minutes and was full of thanks to everyone he knows for just about everything that he could think of ....
Mrs G and I are back in the swing of work after the relative hiatus of the Christmas/New Year period. I'm still short guys at work and am feeling the strain; but as is the nature of being put under the pump I'm also learning plenty.
There's only 4 weeks left until our much spoken about trip - and do you think there isn't some excitement about it?? Even LGR is getting wound up in it. I suspect this is equal parts anticipation about going to Wiggles World and Australia Zoo and equal part curiousity about what a holiday actually is.
I watched a movie a few nights back called Supersize Me - which I'm sure some of you have heard about (see also a bunch of everyman reviews and this excellent Wikipedia reference which is far more comprehensive than what I'm about to write).
In a nutshell it's a 95 minute documentary on obesity with the main emphasis being the commercialisation, marketing and acceptance of 'junk food'. To make a point the narrator of the documentary goes on a 30 day McDonalds binge where the only food or drinks he consumes is bought from McDonalds. He had to eat everything from the menu at least once and if he was asked to upsize (or supersize) then he had to accept.
The results were particularly shocking. His liver started acting like he'd been a lifelong alcoholic, his weight skyrocketed, his cholesterol went through the roof and every doctor who was monitoring him advised him to stop after about 20 days. He didn't, and managed to survive, but it was very frightening to see how quickly his body was changing.
The two things that most intrigued me (there was a lot that captured my thoughts - including the fact that his 'experiment' was deliberately flawed to ensure an outcome that was consistent with his message) were:
1 - His body started to adapt to the less than healthy lifestyle in the last week (as indicated by blood tests - although his weight continued to increase) which makes me wonder if part of the apparent impact wasn't just his body over-reacting in a bid to maintain homeostasis
2 - The crap that the USA government approves (via funding) for schools to provide (free) to students. It was justified (and I use the term loosely) by saying providing a variety allowed the students to make smart choices - but all the food shown in the film was greasy, deep fried or fat laden. Not much chance to make a good choice there ....
It really made me stop and think - particularly about the food habits I may or may not be teaching LGR and Hayzey. My diet is not too bad on the whole - but I'm sure everyone out there has seen me tuck in on more than one occasion. There's always fruit and veg in the house and we eat plenty of chicken but at the same time there's so much room for improvement.
And this film showed graphically what can happen if we don't improve - both individually and as a community.
Go and see it. I dare you.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Very Busy Year
What is going on this year? I seem to be flat chat in my work and social life ... Crazy.
I know what's happening at work - out of a group of 3 there's one guy who's on Annual Leave and another guy who had a baby last week. And on that congratulations to Huffy and family.
Mrs G and myself decided to have a day out last Saturday. We weren't sure where we were headed but packed some dry clothes, swimmers, a beach tent and some food and off we went.
First stop ended up being the Parklea Markets. We wandered around for a bit and bought a few things (including some very nice strawberries) but LGR was, on the whole, unimpressed and tired. So we left.
Next stop was Mona Vale. At was about lunch time so we went for a little walk around the village centre and ended up having a little picnic in the fairly nice park next to the Council Chambers. There was a sandpit, which LGR loved, but the ground was very hot and poor Hayzey kept burning her feet ....
From here it was a very quick drive down the road to Apex Park and then across the road to Mona Vale Beach and, in particular, the Rock Pool. The surf was pretty rough but in the pools it was quite mellow. We didn't do much at the beach - put up the tent, paddled in the rock pools, explained waves to LGR and then built sand castles, baths, pools and other things on the beach.
In the end LGR did go in the water, and was loving it. It started by getting him to fill up his bucket so we could put water in the 'bath' and moved from there (but it has to be said that initially he wouldn't go near the water at all).
Eventually we decided to pack up and go home. So we did, and I think we all had a good (if not a touch exhausting) day.
I know what's happening at work - out of a group of 3 there's one guy who's on Annual Leave and another guy who had a baby last week. And on that congratulations to Huffy and family.
Mrs G and myself decided to have a day out last Saturday. We weren't sure where we were headed but packed some dry clothes, swimmers, a beach tent and some food and off we went.
First stop ended up being the Parklea Markets. We wandered around for a bit and bought a few things (including some very nice strawberries) but LGR was, on the whole, unimpressed and tired. So we left.
Next stop was Mona Vale. At was about lunch time so we went for a little walk around the village centre and ended up having a little picnic in the fairly nice park next to the Council Chambers. There was a sandpit, which LGR loved, but the ground was very hot and poor Hayzey kept burning her feet ....
From here it was a very quick drive down the road to Apex Park and then across the road to Mona Vale Beach and, in particular, the Rock Pool. The surf was pretty rough but in the pools it was quite mellow. We didn't do much at the beach - put up the tent, paddled in the rock pools, explained waves to LGR and then built sand castles, baths, pools and other things on the beach.
In the end LGR did go in the water, and was loving it. It started by getting him to fill up his bucket so we could put water in the 'bath' and moved from there (but it has to be said that initially he wouldn't go near the water at all).
Eventually we decided to pack up and go home. So we did, and I think we all had a good (if not a touch exhausting) day.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Here we are - 2006!!
I'd like to state, publicly, that 2005 was a pretty good year for me. I was sad to see it go. My kids learnt many new tricks, and taught me many lessons about life. My wife still loves me and I still love her. My professional life changed several times but my job is somehow still the same ... an undoubtely interesting but very satisfying year.
My best wishes to all of you for 2006.
I'd like to state, publicly, that 2005 was a pretty good year for me. I was sad to see it go. My kids learnt many new tricks, and taught me many lessons about life. My wife still loves me and I still love her. My professional life changed several times but my job is somehow still the same ... an undoubtely interesting but very satisfying year.
My best wishes to all of you for 2006.
Boxing Day
So - boxing day comes around. Not much sleep had after Christmas Day but still feeling considerably more awake then on the trip down the mountains.
The plan was to leave home at about 09:00 - and I reckon we pretty much managed that. Both kids were awake for the first 30 minutes of the trip and then they suddently went to sleep. Suddenly images of driving straight thru to Canberra emerge.
But not to be. Both kiddies woke up about 15km short of Goulbourn so we pulled into the Southern McDonalds (the one without the play area) and had a short break. 40 minutes later we left McDonalds :-)
We got to Pampars house at about 11:30 and LGR immediately began tucking into the pretzels, and Hayzey became aquainted with the dog via a process of tongue grabbing, hair pulling and nose whacking.
'Lil sister LJ arrived soon after we did and we settled into a nice catchup - pretty good considering it had been less than 24 hours since we last saw each other.
Lunch came and went and, for a change, LGR managed to stay in his seat for a whole meal. Hayzey managed the same; albeit with a good amount of food thrown on the floor.
We spent the afternoon lazing around Pampar's place - some of us sleeping, some eating, some watching TV and others reading. It was nice. Before too long it was late afternoon and a quick walk was had and then into dinner - a nice BBQ cooked by others.
It was a nice day - all that Mrs G and I had to do was control the kids and we mostly managed that. The trip home was also nice. The sun was just setting as we drove past where Lake George should be (but isn't) and we were presented with a very serene and beautiful landscape to drive through as our angels slept in the backseat.
The plan was to leave home at about 09:00 - and I reckon we pretty much managed that. Both kids were awake for the first 30 minutes of the trip and then they suddently went to sleep. Suddenly images of driving straight thru to Canberra emerge.
But not to be. Both kiddies woke up about 15km short of Goulbourn so we pulled into the Southern McDonalds (the one without the play area) and had a short break. 40 minutes later we left McDonalds :-)
We got to Pampars house at about 11:30 and LGR immediately began tucking into the pretzels, and Hayzey became aquainted with the dog via a process of tongue grabbing, hair pulling and nose whacking.
'Lil sister LJ arrived soon after we did and we settled into a nice catchup - pretty good considering it had been less than 24 hours since we last saw each other.
Lunch came and went and, for a change, LGR managed to stay in his seat for a whole meal. Hayzey managed the same; albeit with a good amount of food thrown on the floor.
We spent the afternoon lazing around Pampar's place - some of us sleeping, some eating, some watching TV and others reading. It was nice. Before too long it was late afternoon and a quick walk was had and then into dinner - a nice BBQ cooked by others.
It was a nice day - all that Mrs G and I had to do was control the kids and we mostly managed that. The trip home was also nice. The sun was just setting as we drove past where Lake George should be (but isn't) and we were presented with a very serene and beautiful landscape to drive through as our angels slept in the backseat.
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