Another highly satisfying weekend had by the Jones clan. Makes it very hard to return to work on Monday ...
The weekend kicked off with swimming lessons; but now we go to a place which is a specialist learn to swim centre and is only 5 minutes from home. This was our first day of lessons here and both LGR and Hayzey are enrolled. The difference in quality was noticeable and LGR has regained his enthusiasm for learning how to swim.
After lessons it was home for a quick shower and then a trip to Penriff for a spot of lunch at Panarotti's. This was bit of a trial run to see what we could get away with on the holiday and it pleases me to say the kids were oustanding. We now know that Hayley will eat spaghetti and LGR enjoys the idea of going out to eat. Keeping them entertained seems to be the key.
After lunch we headed on over to Parramatta for a bit of shopping and to pick up some fruit and then it was home for dinner, some games and bed.
Sunday was the beach day. We packed up and headed off to Curl Curl beach - based on the strength of a review we saw in the Sydney for Under 5's book. It was a bunch of fun. Aunt LJ and her man met us there and we played for a bit and had some lunch. Both kids loved the 'beach entry' style tidal pools and they also both played the run to the water / away from the waves game. Hayzey isn't real quick yet and got swamped a few times but almost always got up laughing. When she got sick of that she just stood on the beach facing the surf and yelled at it.
LGR and I also took the opportunity to go and explore a rocky outcropping near the tidal pools and I'm pretty sure he enjoyed this. He was certainly full of questions.
We also set a new beach staying record - 2.5 hours. This means we are now at the point where we spend more time at the beach then we spend getting to and from the beach!!