A few days back I'm pretty sure Hayzey tried to mimic a conversation being held by saying the word 'Tastic' after someone had said fantastic. It was cute.
The weekend was massive for us. We went out both days and had a good time both days. Saturday was a pretty slow breakfast of pancakes followed by a quick trip to swimming lessons. Hayzey wasn't real happy about them this week but LGR is forging ahead very nicely.
From the pool it was a dash up the mountains to have lunch with Grandma and dinner with Nanna. In the middle of it all we went out for a leisurely stroll thru the main shopping centre and then LGR and I visited a park. LGR was excited about visiting Nanna - Bain was there and LGR and Bain don't get to play that often. They both had a good time.
Sunday was a trip out to visit Aunt LG and uAl. Nanna and Bain were there as well, and there was a lot of fun had in both of the pools (one is semi-permanent at LJ's place and the other was provided by us - primarily for Hayzey's use). We had a pretty handy BBQ with way too much and some very special brownies for dessert. The weather gradually got warmer and warmer, and the kids got louder and louder. It was fun.
So that was our weekend. We organised Saturday on Friday evening, and organised Sunday over dinner on Saturday and the whole thing was a bunch of fun for all parties concerned.
We've got a new message on our machine - featuring the voice of LGR!! It's worth a listen. You might even be able to hear this one ....