What is going on this year? I seem to be flat chat in my work and social life ... Crazy.
I know what's happening at work - out of a group of 3 there's one guy who's on Annual Leave and another guy who had a baby last week. And on that congratulations to Huffy and family.
Mrs G and myself decided to have a day out last Saturday. We weren't sure where we were headed but packed some dry clothes, swimmers, a beach tent and some food and off we went.
First stop ended up being the Parklea Markets. We wandered around for a bit and bought a few things (including some very nice strawberries) but LGR was, on the whole, unimpressed and tired. So we left.
Next stop was Mona Vale. At was about lunch time so we went for a little walk around the village centre and ended up having a little picnic in the fairly nice park next to the Council Chambers. There was a sandpit, which LGR loved, but the ground was very hot and poor Hayzey kept burning her feet ....
From here it was a very quick drive down the road to Apex Park and then across the road to Mona Vale Beach and, in particular, the Rock Pool. The surf was pretty rough but in the pools it was quite mellow. We didn't do much at the beach - put up the tent, paddled in the rock pools, explained waves to LGR and then built sand castles, baths, pools and other things on the beach.
In the end LGR did go in the water, and was loving it. It started by getting him to fill up his bucket so we could put water in the 'bath' and moved from there (but it has to be said that initially he wouldn't go near the water at all).
Eventually we decided to pack up and go home. So we did, and I think we all had a good (if not a touch exhausting) day.