It wasn't all beer and skittles however. Halfway through he ran out of the bathroom crying - "I want my hair back on!!" It took us about 15 minutes to coax him back into the chair and that was only achieved via subterfuge and misleading statements. In the end we finished up the job with the #4 cutter and he was keen to go shorter. I grabbed the #2 and tidied up the edges. This satisfied the young man and he was well chuffed with the results.
Mrs G and I are also quite happy. I'm sure those of who are familiar with a young chap in Woy Woy will be well aware of the more than passing similarity.
We've had a pretty good (and tiring) weekend. Australia Day was spent at a BBQ at Clan McK's place. It seemed as though the whole world was there. It was also very hot. There's not really a lot of 'things' to report (apart from the jumping castle. I was king of the kids because I could do somersaults in the air!!) - it was more of a neverending stream of conversations, drinks and food with occasional appearances from the kids to remind us we were adults. The day kicked off at about 10:00am and I have no idea what time we got home. It was late.
The 27th was more mellow. We woke up late because of a late evening and the kids were dragged to swimming lessons while Mrs G tried to get the window on our soon be gone Ford fixed (Where's the new car? Still being built ....). We all reconvened at about 10:00 and did a bit of not much at all for a while before jumping in the car for a trip to Wollongong which was mostly to visit one of LGR's mates but had the dual purpose of an afternoon's play on the beach. Much to our surprise some very horrible cloud and wind came in while we were in transit - so we were stuck in Wollongong with our best summer gear on while we froze :-( It was a good visit however. A great chance to spend time with some folks we haven't seen for a while and LGR and his mate enjoyed the whole thing. So did Hayzey and her little pal. We ended up leaving at about 22:00 and it was just as well - I was almost asleep at the wheel when we got home.
Today was quieter. Much quieter. We did some groceries. I've cleaned out the garage (finally managed to get rid of some rubbish that's been in there for 15 months!!) and mowed the grass while Mrs G did other stuff. Then we all mellowed out nicely with some beverage of choice (Coopers Pale Ale for me, Sauvignon Blanc for Mrs G and an assortment of juices for the kids). LGR's hair got cut, and so did my own. Then we had a BBQ and ate out on the deck. We were delighted to discover our yard is developing shady spots.
So that's the weekend. It was good, and long, and is just about over. Bit of a hellacious week at work for me which only gets worse the week after so I'm glad I've had a good time.