Over the weekend Hayzey put on a wonderful demonstration of how the world can be powered over the course of her lifetime - via methane. She had the most amazing period of 'trumpet' on Saturday evening. To make it even better each time she 'got one off' she let out a little chuckle and grinned from ear to ear.
I love my little girl :-)
Life is still busy. Possibly even more so. Last week I started at 02:00 on Tuesday morning and 04:00 on Friday morning. Today I started at 04:00 again, and Mrs G is off on another business trip today and tomorrow morning. This will be the pattern of our lives for the next while - for the next very long while.
So what's happened in the middle of it all?
Not much during the week apart from the mundane tasks of life. There are more than the odd moments of fun and excitement because of the kids but all in all we all have our little routines going and are well and truly into the new year.
The weekend just gone was cool - sort of. I was quite crook on Saturday and LGR managed a massive chuck also. But we also had a play in the pool and both kids managed a good sleep. I used close to a box of tissues and finished the day with a very red nose.
Sunday was better. Aunt LJ and UA came around for a BBQ lunch. The kiddies were very, very excited about this and made it quite apparent when they arrived. LGR was also impressed with the new car. So were we - but because it's big and it's red it's twice as good. Right LGR?
I'm going to blow my own trumpet for a bit now .... Lunch was great. I cooked up some smoky (sort of) Portugese chicken with a Moroccan carrot salad and a tomato/capsicum/olive salad. We were also drinking Rum and Cokes (Jamaican rum in case you are interested). It was all quite tasty. In my opinion.
After lunch Mrs G and Aunt LJ shot through for a bit of shopping and left the kids with myself and UA. Hayzey made it quite apparent she wanted to go with Mum. We ended up separating the kids - I took Hayz upstairs and LGR and UA stayed downstairs. And then the sweetest thing happened.
Hayzey curled up into a little ball on my chest (I was sitting in a recliner/rocking chair) and went from screaming to crying to sobbing to sleeping. I can't remember the last time she let me hug her to sleep - and I believe this may be the last time I get to do it. I enjoyed it so much I stayed in the seat for a touch too long and also had a snooze. This was good because, unbeknown to me, UA and LGR were doing the same thing downstairs.
The rest of the day was a combination of some drinks, some pool time and a pretty average dinner (cooked by me - lunch was much better). We all had fun and it must have been good because the kids were exhausted and went to sleep very easily.