This is a bit like a return to the bad old days of jobs long gone for me. It's Saturday night, 21:00 and I'm at work. Bugger. Such is the life of the IT guy - and in all fairness it's been a long, long time since I've had to work on the weekend (a bit over a year now and that was a Saturday morning ...)
What's been happening? Not a lot; but plenty. Cars first. We still don't have our new car. We've only been waiting for a tick under 3 months and this doesn't seem to be long enough. If we knew way back then what we know now the metaphorical coin toss between our selection and the alternate may have gone differently. I'm sure once we have it all will be forgotten but in the interim there's the frustration of knowing it's coming but not quite being able to see it.
Work. It's nuts for both of us. You already know that I'm at work right now (a bit of quiet time a possibly very long and busy night). You don't know that this work I've also had a 02:00 and 04:00 start and a couple of 12 hour shifts.
Thrown into the mix Mrs G's busy work schedule (she was at Coffs Harbour this week and in the couple of weeks is off to Cobar and Merimbula) and you can see what I mean by busy.
I think Mrs G is back at Uni in the very near future also. That should be very exciting. For all of us.
The kids are great. Champions. With a couple of minor foibles I don't think I could have asked for any better out of them. LGR seems to have tried to step up a notch in his aims to be helpful and considerate and still has the biggest heart in any person I know.
Hayzey is truly crazy. She knows very little fear and intrinsically trusts that I will get her out of whatever situation she puts herself in. Not to long ago I put her on the boot of the car. She stood up and jumped off it - straight into my arms!!
We still get out and about a bit. Two weeks ago we were up at The Entrance to celebrate UA's birthday. Nanna stayed with us and the kids loved it. Especially LGR. He was well chuffed that he was considered big enough to sleep in the same room as Nanna.
Last weekend it was off to Aunt BJ's birthday party. Interestingly she is the same age as UA. (Maybe that's only interesting to me ...). This one was at Bondi Bowls club and it was fantastic. The beer was quite cheap and lawn bowls is a game well worth getting acquainted with.
This weekend is a touch quieter. We did some garden type work today and actually managed to achieve a couple of aims. A nice feeling.
So that's it for now. I promise (again) to try to be more regular with this stuff. Really - I do.