I've missed a few days - sorry. Been busy.
Going back to the weekend ..... We had a good one. The kidlets were back to swimming lessons on Saturday morning. The kids are in their own class now - just the two of them. The both loved it and neither of them have suffered too much from the break.
The afternoon was spent at the Chef's place - mainly so the kids could all ride their bikes around the park. It was a beautifully sunny day but quite a chilly breeze. Nobody was overly upset when the kids decided they would rather play inside.
Afternoon tea turned into dinner so our night out at a local pizza restaurant was missed. No biggy - it was cheaper this way and the kids probably had more fun.
Sunday was a similarly mellow day. We did the groceries in the morning (incredibly expensive this week - but we did stay buying stuff for LGR's pending 5th birthday ...) and had a visit from Aunt BJ in the afternoon. What happened during the visit? Not a lot really. Aunt BJ and I went out with LGR while he rode his bike (I was surprised by how much stronger he has gotten in the space of a few short weeks), and then some time was spent on the back deck enjoying the sun. Very mellow; quite nice.
The work week has been a mish mash. I've personally gone from having nothing to do to (seemingly) every person int he company suddenly converging on me telling me their issue is the most important thing in the world. Mrs G missed most of Monday because poor little Hayzey was throwing up everywhere. She's got yet another ear infection and also had some sort of tummy bug ... She seems to be getting much better now.
Our air-con is still broken. The manufacturer is coming out next Tuesday to take it away and completely rebuild it. On a positive note we are certainly saving on electricy costs (and being a bit 'greener' I would imagine) bu I guess it goes without saying that it's missed quite a bit - particularly on those mornings when you get up and there's a frost outside and the radio says it is 0 degrees. I'd prefer it happened now than in summer however ....
What else? I've booked most of our accommodation for our trip to NZ later this year. All of my enquiries have been via email and it's amazing to see the range of responses. Some businesses just don't respond at all - which to my way of thinking is as rude (and stupid) as not returning a phone call. Why would a business advertise a contact method and then not reply to information requests via that medium? I dunno .... There are some who reply but are very short in their reply (I got one that simply said 'Can't help you') then there are others who are prompt and very helpful - even if they don't have vacancies.
Suffice to say I've gone with the businesses who are more friendly.
I owe some people some phone calls. I'll try to call tonight but can't make a promise ...