LGR got his first report card yesterday. It was pretty good. Turns out he is quite handy with maths, above average for spelling and reading, enthusiastic across all subject areas and not so good at accepting the ideas of others ....
Not a bad start really. We have our first parent teacher interview next Tuesday evening.
The same young chap came racing through to our bedroom at about 06:00 this morning. In a very excited and rushed voice he announced "Good morning Mummy and Daddy. Today I'm going on an excursion!!"
That's right - his first school excursion. They're off to Featherdale to do whatever it is they're doing. LGR is very, very excited - but I'm not sure if it's because he's going on a big bus, going to the park or wearing sports uniform on a non-sport day. Probably all three.
Hayzey's facial rash has come back. Again. It's starting to get a little bit old and more than a touch frustrating. I'm beginning to seriously think about changing doctors - the one we have been using for several years and is proving to be less able to correctly diagnose and cure problems than he has been in the past.