Clan Jones went on an excursion today. To the 'big pool' as one of us calls, or 'the lake' as another will describe it.
I call it Bents Basin - and I think it's one of the most fantastic places I've been. So relaxing, so mellow and so beautiful.
We ventured out with some friends - arriving at about 11am. We were informed by a park ranger that were was a red belly black snake in the place we have traditionally sat so ended up in a slightly elevated position - which was conveniently close to any of the many wood fired BBQ they have out there. Lunch was cooked on aforementioned BBQ after taking up to 30 minutes to start it (we had no paper and spent most of the time trying to find something to light). It was a terrific lunch in the end - food cooked over smoke and coals always tends to taste better.
The kids played, and played, and played. We barely saw them for the whole time. It was nice to sit back and have an adult conversation while the kids were only 30m away - but they may as well have been on another planet.