I've been a bit slack but here's my summary of the last week:
Mum had some more surgery last Tuesday. She's recovering pretty well and is well and truly into the next phase of treatment. There is good reason to suspect she will be out of hospital later this week.
LGR and Hayz both played in losing sides on the weekend. Hayz's team got thumped - I think she is actually in an U6 comp and nobody in her team is old enough to go to school yet. The team they played on the weekend definitely had kids who were school age.
LGR's team lost by a goal. I didn't see the game but when I turned up a majority of the parents on LGR's team were yelling abuse at the referee and bemoaning that the boys were losing because the other team were cheating. What I saw of the game (about 3 minutes) looked ok but I won't comment on what came before it. I don't know what it is about soccer parents - in both teams I've been involved in it's all started out so positively and degenerated into vitriol.
What else? I've been running heaps and it feels good. My legs are consistently sore/tired and today my shoulders are a bit heavy - but I'm enjoying it immensely. Including today I've done 10 days in a row .... 3 cheers for me!!! Diet is still a bit shocking so I doubt I'm losing weight.
Mrs G has been going on a few work trips recently. Two weeks back she was in Newcastle for a night, and last week in Canberra for a night. I think she's back up to Newcastle again today but only for a day trip. I expect she'll be tired when she gets home.
There's also been some talk about Mrs G moving into a new job in her present company. Some things have to occur first but it seems as though the question has moved from if it will happen to when it will happen.