Monday, July 24, 2006

A Haircut for a Tree

I'm not sure what I wrote about last time - nor when I wrote it. I could check but I'm just too lazy at this moment in time. My life seems to have descended into a permanent state of fatigue. I'm pretty sure this is largely attributable to a combination of stupidly early starts at work and my desire to finish the book I am reading - the last couple of nights have seen me up until midnight reading.

The weekend was fun. We didn't do a lot. In fact most of the weekend was spent at home getting ready for our grand (secret) adventures this coming Friday and Saturday. We did some cleaning and packing and played some games and did cutesy little family things. It was quite nice. There were no obvious highlights; just a weekend of pleasant moments interspersed with two active, curious little kids who drove us a bit nuts from time to time.

What I will reveal is that Hayzey is looking like being the jock of the family and LGR the artistic type. It becomes more and more apparent every time we go outside. It's all very sweet and they enjoy what they do.

Why is this called 'A Haircut for a Tree'? LGR helped me prune back a tree. And it was a considerable pruning. We provided our own sound effects and had a great time going the chop on this poor old thing. Time will tell whether it sinks or swims.