Sunday, July 09, 2006

A Tantrum

Hayzey threw the biggest tantrum I have seen either of my kids throw earlier today. In Bunnings.

She and LGR had been playing on the instore play equipment and Mrs G decided it was time to go (I was off doing man things). Hayzey just about screamed the place down. I heard them about 30s before they arrived where I was. To top it all off LGR was walking next to Mrs G (who was holding a screaming Hayzey) yelling, at the top of his lungs, "Daddy! We're ready Daddy!".

Poor Hayz is quite crook. She woke up with both eyes more or less closed over because of conjunctivitis and her was plastered to her face because of dried snot. One bath later and she was clean.

On a lighter note LGR has begun counting down the days until the next Wiggles show. It's probably about 150 days but he doesn't care. We've got pretty good seats this time around - 2nd row of the floor section of the Entertainment Centre. Last time I was on the Ent Cent floor I was about 16 or 17 and I definitely wasn't watching the Wiggles ...

I went for another run today - this time staying out for 15 minutes but doing the same walk/run thing. My running intervals varied from 30 to 60 seconds, and in all I probably ran for a grand total of 5-6 minutes?? More importantly my knee felt ok today and there was some fluency to my stride. There was also a marked increase in the perception of strength levels.

Before I finish I must mention tonight's dinner. We made pizza. This is done completely from scratch - we make our own bases, prepare all the ingredients and then build them to our personal tastes. For LGR this always means ham, pineapple and nothing else. No exceptions.

I usually try to make the biggest, chunkiest pizza I can but tonight did the less is more thing. And it was fantastic. I used a capsicum salsa as the sauce and made three small pizzas - one with tomato and basil, one with ham and mushroom and one with tuna, chilli and onion. All were topped with a mixture of mozzarella, cheddar and parmesan cheese. All were gorgeous. And to top it off we opened a very nice Hungerford Hill Shiraz Viognier which went very well with the pizza.

If I'd paid for the meal I would have been quite satisfied. Knowing I made it myself made it that much better :-)