Wednesday, July 12, 2006

To Sleep

Please - let us get some. Sleep that is.

Poor Hayzey is not a happy camper. We're visiting the doctor this afternoon but I'm pretty sure she has some sort of ear/nose/throat issue that is causing her large amounts of distress - particularly at night time.

As a consequence she is waking quite regularly and sometimes not going back to sleep as fast as we would like. Sometimes she stays in a crying/sleeping/distressed state for 2-3 hours. Which keeps Mummy and Daddy awake.

Hayzey still has her daytime sleep but that luxury is not extended to Mummy or Daddy.


It's not all bad though. LGR is much better. Mrs G is sort of better. I'm getting worse but am not as crook as Mrs G yet.

It will be nice when we are all healthy again :-)