Thursday, July 27, 2006


LGR drew me a picture at Kindy yesterday. He does this all the time but, for whatever reason, I found this one to be particularly sweet. Maybe it was because when I arrived he gave me a huge hug and the combination of the picture and the hug made me realise that he does miss us - even though he's having fun at Kindy.

I don't know what it's a picture of. I don't suppose it matters. I love it and it will be either hung up or archived like every other picture he's ever drawn for us.


I'm finding it hard to believe that people are pointing at the price of bananas and saying this is a significant contributor to the latest inflation figures. Why? I don't know anyone who buys bananas any more (although our mate at the local yoghurt shop told us he uses about 2.5 kg of bananas per day).

I blame petrol. Not only is it more expensive than I've ever known it to be (I currently consider $1.30/L to be exceptionally good value) but it is required to move just about every product and service that people use - so by being an input into consumption (discretionary or not) it has an implicit inflationary impact of it's own.

Oh well .... Since there's no viable alternative to using it (public transport is not an option in our house - our jobs and child care and even access to public transport at most destinations is nowhere near compatible) I guess we'll just keep paying more and more.