Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Rudimentary Effort

I don't really have a lot to say about today. My work day was frustrating. I may have had my current job for 8 or 9 months but sometimes I feel like I still don't have a clue about what's going on. Other days I feel as though I'm on top of it all. I guess that's they (whoever they are) mean about having a challenging day.

I left for work before LGR woke up this morning. Rumour has it he was quite upset that I got Hayzey out of bed but not him. I would have loved to been home with him but ....


On a political note - I quite like the kerfuffle that's been generated about George W Bush saying the word 'shit' during what he thought was a private conversation. Regardless of whatever anyone thinks of him I sure we will all admit the guy is still human and quite capable of uttering the occasional profanity. String him up for a lot of things but not this one ... There are bigger issues.

And while I'm at it - how is it that 45% of Australians surveyed believe John Howard had a deal with Pete Costello about the Liberal party leadership, and then subsequently broke it, but about 70% of these same people believe JH is the best person to lead the Libs, and Australia. Very bizarre.

I suppose it doesn't matter however - both of these gentlemen would run rings around the current Labor leadership.