We were supposed to get our new car today. But we're not. Why? The only explanation I have received from either the lease providers or the manufacturer is 'factory delays'. I can't help but wonder how it is related to the same manufacturer making 600 people redundant last week.
The other possibility is some sort of fault/recall situation but there's been nothing in the media. The truth is I don't know. I'm a touch upset about it - we've already been waiting 3.5 months and the best guesstimate I can get now is 4-6 weeks ....
The kids have been very, very sweet this week. Hayzey has learnt to say 'I love you' and repeats it every night when we put her to bed. She continues to take a particular delight in reading her books to her dolls when she goes to bed - last night I saw her sitting up with her dolls all around her gleefully pointing out the Mummy, Daddy, LGR and Hayzey characters in her book. It's a bit of a mystery how she decided who was who - the book was full of cartoon pictures of zoo animals.
LGR surprised me last night - we put on a Pete Murray CD (again) and he started singing along to the choruses while strumming his guitar. Very unexpected and very sweet. He was also pre-empting the words I was reading to him out of a book earlier this week. Apparently this book is read to the kids at kindy ...
I went for my first semi-run in 2 months earlier this week. It wasn't much - run a couple of hundred then walk a couple of hundred. I have to start somewhere and at some time. This time around I need to respect my limits and/or respect the inevitable interruptions to the training routine. My ankles only blew out this time because I missed a bunch of sessions but trained as though I wasn't missing them. Stupidity/impatience on my behalf really; and an oft repeated mistake.