I'm not really sure how this one is an air mattress - but if the artist says it is then we had better believe it :-) When asked for an explanation LGR said "That's the middle and this side is the side and that side is the other. At the top is a pillow."
Maybe I can see it after all ...

New Swimming Lessons
A few weeks back LGR was moved from the 'little' pool to the 'big pool' at swimmng lessons. This is his artistic impression of the new pool. You can see the chairs surrounding the pool, folks sitting in the chairs and the pool itself. The tiny character in the bottom left corner is LGR getting ready to swim.

The Little Handsome Boy
There's very little commentary about this one. No word on who the boy is or what he's been up to.
He is, however, sitting down with his legs straight. I have been reliably informed it's hard to draw people sitting down with straight legs.