Sunday, November 30, 2008

All happening ...

We've had a busy last couple of days. Thursday was another 04:00am start for myself, and I got to bed at about 10:30 that night .... In the middle of the day I went for a bike ride and my rear tire started to go flat about 5km from home. Felt like I was peddling through mud by the end of the ride. We also went out for some Chinese for dinner. The kiddies were very well behaved and the food was quite good as well.

Friday was a washout. Literally. It poured where I work and I got thoroughly saturated going to my car to get home. This was after missing our traditional Friday lunch up at the golf club due to work (What is the deal with that? Who would ever imagine you could miss a lunch with work mates because you have to do actual work? Life is hard sometimes.)

It also poured at home. Athletics was cancelled so we watched movies with the kids.

Saturday .... started with some groceries, saw us in Helensburg for lunch with some folks we hadn't seen for a good while and finished with Grandma driving Hayzey and myself to get some dinner in a downpoor of monsoonal proportions because I forgot to leave out some meat for dinner ......

And today was party day. There was a frenzy of work activity to get the Sunday chores done by 09:00am so we could attend a party at Gledswood for Hayzey's best mate, and then it was off to a little bloke who LGR goes to school with for an afternoon pool party. Even better because they live on the same block and we can walk there ....

Interesting side note - I blacked out our house this afternoon by managing to cut through the power cord for the hedge trimmer while I was using it. I didn't think much of it other than "I wonder why I didn't die just then?" I grabbed the manual clippers and started chopping away. About 2 minutes later Mrs G came out and told me there was no power in the house and asked if my trimmer was working. I'm sure you can all figure out why there was no power in the house :-)