Monday, November 17, 2008

Chicken Rissoles

We had some chicken rissoles with salad for dinner. The rissoles were not very nice. Mrs Jones and I used to eat them quite a bit when we were younger and a bit less discerning in our food tastes. I'm pretty sure we used to be able to get rissoles that actually contained chicken (not sure which parts ...).

The last few times we've tried them they have been miserable, insipid dry pieces of excretia - with a texture vaguely reminiscent of cardboard and a taste just shy of what I would imagine prison porridge has. The only redeeming feature is that we can smother them with sauce - but even that's not as much fun as it used to be.

Growing up is such a bummer :-)


Mum Jones has been at our place quite a bit over the last two weeks. The kids have loved it. It's been a bit of shock to see how tired she is but at the same time quite uplifting to see the way she deals with it.