Thursday, March 09, 2006

More Advice

The Jones clan are all a bit crook this week - not so sick that we are taking time off any of our respective duties (ie work, going to kindy) but sick enough to be taking a variety of OTC medications and, in the case of Hayzey, some stuff for yet another ear infection. I suspect we're through the worst of it and with some luck we'll have all picked up a bit by the time the weekend rolls around.

LGR has been dispensing some wisdom to me of late - such as:

"When I'm 4 years old I will live in a house next door to Mummy and Daddy; and I will drive my car to visit Mummy and Daddy every day"

"You go to work Daddy and I will stay home and look after myself" When questioned about whether he knew how to do this I got "No. Can you teach me?"

"I don't want breakfast" When asked why the response was scathing. "They make nice toast at kindergarten. Better than your toast."

Hayzey hasn't been left out. She's started using her voice rather than just shreaking and wailing and occasionally she even sounds like she's trying to engage in conversation. She knows the word 'more' and uses it a lot (usually with food). She also says 'yes' and if she wants to indicate no we get a very vigorous head shake.

Her comprehension is pretty good. She can identify facial features and her belly and actively participates in getting dressed and ready to go out - by preempting our requirements. If she sees with a nappy she will lay down. If she sees us with her shoes she will sit down to put them on. If we say we're going out she will walk to the front door and wait for us. There's other things but this is a nice example of where she's out.


I came across some fantastic, and often surreal, photographs of Mexico City. They were taken by a professional helicopter pilot and are little more than a collection of what he sees while working. Some of these shots are amazing - my personal favourites are those of the low income housing developments. To my eye they don't look real. But I'm assured they definitely are.