It's been a very long and somewhat rewarding weekend for me.
Friday night was a particulary good unwind. I didn't do anything special but did have a nice chat with Mrs G and this helped me put some things in perspective. We also watched some Comm Games and a bit of the cricket. It's always nice to see the Aussie cricket team go well. They get given a ridiculous hiding in the media for the tiniest thing so I tend to take a perverse pleasure in watching the media shut up when it goes back to business as usual.
We had swimming lessons on Saturday morning. I didn't realise we were starting at 08:00 (I expected 09:30) so I was happily laying in bed reading when I was jolted into the real world. We made it on time and the kids had back to back lessons - so were in the pool for an hour. They swapped teachers halfway through and both had good lessons. After this it was off to the shops to look for a printer and get some groceries. We found the printer we were after but decided there was no room in the boot when we allowed for groceries and a pram.
We didn't do a lot after lunch - we played some games in the backyard, watched some TV, drew some pictures and generally hung around home. It was fun and we all got a bit dirty.
Dinner was a bit on the lazy side - we got some pizzas.
Today was a weird one. I woke up at about 05:30 for no reason and Hayzey was awake by 06:15. Her nose was a bit runny and she was wheezing a little so I suspect she just wasn't comfortable sleeping. LGR had no issues and was up at about 07:00. Unfortunately the poor little soul had been crook during the night and had thrown up all over the place. This was on top of Hayzey having a massive chuck while going to be last night. We were suspecting food poisoning of some sort but are not sure how. Maybe it was just coincidence.
Hayzey was asleep again by about 08:30 and around 10:00 we decided to head out to get the printer. On the way we detoured via an outdoor play area in a shopping centre, and then a soft play centre. Upon reaching the spot designated for our purchase we were informed the last one was sold on Saturday - which was when we decided not to get ours!! Turns out there are some more coming in so maybe on Thursday night??
And then came the big part of the weekend. Or week. Depending on how you look at it. Mrs G had to leave to go up the coast for a work thing for a few days. Both kids handled it really well. Hayzey waved to Mrs G and even came up with the word "Bye" a few times. LGR kept wandering around to Cribby's side of the car to tell her something else. And then Mrs G (aka Mum) was gone and it was me and the kids.
First stop was a swim in the pool. Which I had to blow up. This took close to 15 minutes and I was very warm by the end of it. The playtime in it was nice. The water warmed up and the kids loosened up and we all got plenty wet. Afternoon tea was had and some rest time put in. Every now and then we'd all have a game together. Bath's came and went and then dinner. Both kids were excellent - eating well and without tantrums.
Going to be was a little hard. LGR got very clingy and wouldn't give Hayzey the space she needed. He also kept saying he wanted hugs from his Mummy and asking how many more days until she gets back :-(
He got to have a chat with Mummy on the phone and this made him feel ok but he was still quite clingy.
Having said I've been surprised by how well they have adjusted to Mummy's absence and Daddy's very different parenting style. I'm very proud of both kids and love them both to bits.