I keep meaning to put an update up but for whatever reason I just haven't gotten around to it. Very slack.
Easter came and went. It was typically busy. Grandma came and stayed with us for a few days and we all got to visit Nanna on Easter day. The kidlets, Mrs G and myself all managed to have a very nice game of soccer after Easter lunch and LGR took great delight in playing all sorts of games with a very large cardboard box.
As usual we got a crapload of chocolate - most of it is for the kids. It'll (hopefully) take us a few months to get through it all.
The work weeks seem to be so ridiculously busy at the moment. Not because of work itself but because of all the stuff we're all trying to fit in around work. It doesn't help that Sydney's roads seem to get more congested as petrol prices rise (I can't explain it). Apparently it's school holidays but you couldn't tell by looking at the roads.
I'm back on the running thing again. And have a crook knee. Again. My physio is pretty sure it's to do with an overly mobile patella and some subsequent nerve pinching. There's no real pain but I do have a very definite sensation of tightness around the knee. It's kind of weird - I keep shaking my knee in the hope that shaking it will dislodge the sense of tightness. It's not working ...
Mrs G is still studying furiously. The coursework is finished so now it's just a bunch of assignments. I think they are due somewhere around late May or early June and then it's back to uni for some more study.
Hayzey coloured in her right knee at Kindy today using a dark blue texta. I scrubbed her with soap and it won't come off. It's very pretty. I'm sure she'll look fantastic for the next couple of days.