The kidlets have done some amazing things this week.
When I arrived at kindy yesterday to pick them up I found LGR and Hayzey sitting in a corner by themselves with a book. Lochie was flipping through the pages for Hayzey and singing the words to her - it was "Old McDonalds Farm". They were both having a ball and it was such an uplifting and unexpectedly good moment for me ...
Hayzey has well and truly discovered the joy of books. She will grab a book and walk over to either myself or Mrs G saying "Oosh oosh". The book gets passed over and Hayzey clambers on to our laps to read with us. The only issue is that she likes to turn the pages faster than we can read :-)
On Monday I came home from work and was having a chat with Mrs G in the kitched. We were very suddenly interrupted by peals of laughter from the lounge room. LGR was watching "Pingu" and something was very funny to him. We never found out what it was - everytime I asked him he started talking so fast that I lost track.
On Monday night I was going to bed and did my habitual kid check on the way through. LGR was on top of the covers so I put him under them, gave him a kiss on the forehead and whispered "Good night my beautiful boy". It was a very pleasant surprise to hear a very sleepy little voice whisper back to me "Nigh nigh Daddy".