Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Lunch with the Family

Yesterday I had the very great pleasure of lunching with Mrs G and the kidlets. I only had an hour because of work - which was really only 40 minutes when you throw in travel time. But it was a blast.

I could sense it was going to be a bit special when LGR raced thru the food court to give me a hug. Hayzey was showing some very obvious signs of having had a snack - mainly in the form of a trail of food around her mouth and down her chin.

Lunch was your typical food court type of stuff - but the kids were in rare form. Both were quite animated and full of beans and making plenty of noise. LGR gave us his best shark and tiger impersonations - which included laying on the floor and pretending to swim and roaring at the top of his voice. Hayzey ate very politely. She gave us nods and head shakes to indicate what she did and did not want. Once completed she was out of her chair and racing off in all directions. Mrs G had to chase her several times.

When lunch was finished I very sadly said bye bye to both kids. Hayzey sobbed quietly and LGR chased after me and gave me a massive hug. "I'll miss you Daddy ..."

Very hard to leave :-(