Monday, September 18, 2006

More, more, more

Time is beginning to flash by pretty quickly. Maybe I'm getting older. Each day I wake up with plenty of things that I want to get done. I go to bed with a longer list.

I went clothes shopping yesterday and couldn't find anything I liked. With one exception. I saw some pants I liked - but they were the wrong size. Is this another sign that I'm getting old? Do I have to shop for clothes in different stores now?


We went back to athletics on Friday night. It was good. LGR got to race a few times - and he proved that he truly can race and talk to the spectators at the same time. He also did a bit of long jump and discus. Long jump for 3 years old is funny. They race up to the take off point and then pretty much run through the pit. Some of them stop for a game on the way through. Hayzey wanted to have a go but she's a bit too small at the moment.

We didn't do a lot over the weekend. There was some gardening - backyard on Saturday and front yard yesterday. LGR has figured out how to fill up a watering can with water and I think his new thing is watering the garden. He understands we can only water on Wednesday and Sunday and seems ok with this.