When I picked up the kids from kindy today I was hit with a barrage of questions from LGR. They were about the most innane things and it was driving me nuts - but it's very reassuring to know he still has a curious nature. We're still getting lots of questions about dying, and stingrays. Tonight LGR wanted to know if Steve Irwin was in the ground where the rabbits go or if he was in heaven. Then he asked if eyes still work in heaven ....
Not much happened this evening. Baths, getting dressed, some TV while I cooked dinner and then the usual hassle to get LGR to eat. No issues with Hayzey tonight - she had 3 servings of the pasta and was still hungry.
Hayzey still imitates me when I whistle. Her 'whistling' is getting louder and louder; and more enthusiastic.