First point - this is all being done in hindsight so some of the timelines may be a bit vague; but there's a good chance no-one really cares about this small issue.
Second point - I'm very tired so any typos, grammatical errors etc are entirely my own fault and I'm going to blame fatigue.
Somehow we all managed a sleep in on day one. The kiddies woke at about 06:45 and when I asked LGR where we were off to he answered with "Pampar's house".
A quick shower and some breakfast and we were on our way. Within 10km of home there was a crash on the Hume Highway - a car had rolled and was on it's roof leaking petrol. A quick detour and we're on our way again.
The first stop was Goulbourn - to give Hayzey some food and to let LGR see the Big Merino. It's fair to say he was underwhelmed; but CJ and I were very impressed with the approx 1 degree celcius temperature and apparent sleet.
After a walk inside the sheep and an extended stopover at McDonalds (hot chocolate for the adults and chippies for LGR) we were back on the road again. Hayzey had a nice scream along Lake George - which is exactly the same place LGR had a tantrum of his first trip to Canberra. Another sibling similarity.
We pulled into Canberra at midday. Lunch was a very quick bit to eat at Belconnen and the kids passed out in the car so we drove around for a bit.
We pulled into Pampar's house at approx 14:00 and all was set. Pampar was home (as promised) and the kids were ripe for a romp. The rest of the day was spent hanging around being somewhat lazy and letting the kids do their thing.