Over the weekend LGR and I were having a chat about our favourite cakes and I ventured the opinion that I thought carrot cake with lemon icing was quite nice. He didn't look convinced and I thought he paid no more attention to my ramblings.
While out with Mrs G yesterday LGR piped up and suggested they should make a carrot cake for me. When I got home there was a delicious carrot cake sitting on the bench - courtesy of Mrs G and her assistant cakemaker LGR.
Hayzey is closer to talking - last night she was pointing at a cartoon picture of a turtle on Mrs G's shirt and saying over and over "Turtle". She also piped out a few "Quack quack" sounds and the obligatory yes, no and more.
Here's a contradiction for you:
Mal Brough believes there should be some sort of siphoning or 'vouchering' of welfare payments because there are parents who can't be trusted to ensure they look after their children.
Tony Abbott believes it is not the governments job to ban junk food advertisting because parents should be trusted to look after their children.
The baby bonus - which I have benefited from but really see as being a waste of government money - is not means tested and can be used to buy whatever people want. Even those irresponsible parents that Mal wants to protect the kids from ....
And these are all policies and/or representations from a single political party.
Interest rates - I'm quietly concerned they'll go up today. It does seem blackly ironic that the one of the stimuli to increase interest rates is the increased cost of petrol and it's associated flow on effects. Not only do we have the pleasure of paying more for petrol, groceries and anything else that uses petrol as a production or delivery input but we now face the prospect of paying more for our housing to try to curb the inflation that isn't caused by discretionary spending patterns ....