We went to a christening yesterday and LGR has decided Church is cool. He wasn't impressed with the christening itself but found the instruments and microphones used by the church band to be eminently interesting and also thought the stained glass windows were pretty. After we got home he setup a bunch of chairs to be the pews and put on a 'Church Show'.
We also went to a 2 year olds birthday party at McDonalds over the weekend. LGR learnt a valuable life lesson here - if you climb things it is quite possible you will fall off. There was a little 'house' in the play area and LGR got onto the roof. He made sure everyone knew it too. He couldn't get off and ended up falling on the way down. It was a bit amusing and a bit concerning.
Apart from these things the weekend was pretty mellow. We spent a bit of time hanging around home, some time at the aforementioned events and even managed to get the groceries down. It was quite nice to slow down a bit and play some games with the kids. I am pretty sure Hayzey is about to begin saying real words. She gave 'quack' a fair go when she was walking around with a toy duck and also used the word 'kiss' to describe the kisses she was giving her Dorothy the Dinosaur toy.
And she is well aware of what yes and no mean and can apply these words in the most accurate sense. It's very cute to ask her if she wants a drink or some food and getting back either the word 'yes' with a little head nod or 'no' with a shake. It's also not uncommon to hear the word 'more' after she has consumed whatever she has been given.