This afternoon LGR and I cooked some food. We started with a cake for Mothers Day, and then progressed to some meatballs. This caused some discussion. Our meatballs contained chicken, and apparently meatballs don't have to any sort of meat in them at all to be called meatballs - they just need to be ball shaped.
Regardless it was all fun. We made some mess and did some mixing, stirring, cutting, cleaning and used exciting tools like knives, electric blenders and food processors. LGR even had a go at putting ingredients in the processor. One thing he did do which surprised was make perfect little ball shapes with the meatball (aka chicken ball) mix. In hindsight this shouldn't have surprised - he's made plenty of biscuits with Mrs G and has many hours experience with Play Doh.
The knee is coming along nicely now. We did a 2.5 hour stint at the shops today and it held up pretty well - although I did start to slow down a little towards the end. It also survived the marathon cooking/dinner/dishes session this evening. The swelling has decreased a little and there is an increased range of movement. My rehab exercises don't hurt too much any more.
Just before LGR went to bed this evening he helped me wrap Mrs G's Mothers Day pressies. Sort of. He was in the same room. We decided it would be very nice to hide them under his bed so he could surprise her with them in the morning. This won't work though - while Mrs G was putting him to bed LGR pointed at the presents and said "I can't tell you these are here." I would imagine it was said without the slightest bit of irony ...
Mrs G did something today which she was very proud of. I can't remember what it was - nothing much really except for a task that we had put off for ages. Hayzey didn't agree; and every time Mrs G started saying how good she was Hayzey interrupted with a distinct, sharp "No!".
In a separate event later on we told Hayzey she was very rough. Suddenly "Rough" became her new word and she started (continued) to charge at us as fast as she could while saying "Rough" in her toughest little voice :-)