It's now a touch over 48 hours since my operation and I feel considerably better than I did in my last post.
I ended up going to bed about 10 minutes after my last entry and slept for close to 12 hours. Intermittently. I woke up just about every hour but was always able to get back to sleep.
In the morning I felt quite good and was even finding I could kind of lurch around the place without crutches.
I spent most of the day sitting around either playing games on the PC or watching movies - there wasn't much physical activity and resting was comfortable. Most of the time. I did my exercises and these were extremely uncomfortable.
This morning I had my first post operation physio visit. The massive swathe of bandages has been removed and replaced with some very deliberate stability taping. My knee has more or less stopped bleeding but is very, very swollen and quite unstable. I can still lurch around but am preferring to use crutches to carry some of the weight - it's far more elegant this way.
I've also begun a fairly vigorous icing regime - about 20-30 minutes every 90 minutes. I tried icing yesterday but the bandaging was just too thick to feel any effect.
In summary - it hurts to walk/lurch but general resting is ok. I can think clearly again and am taking lower strength painkillers which also contain an anti-inflammatory.
I think I'm beginning to get better :-)