Monday, August 07, 2006

.. when you were little ...

LGR has started asking me questions about what my life was like when I was younger. He's asked me about my teddy bears, what music I liked, what my voice sounded like, what games I played, who my friends were and a bunch of others. He listens very intently to the answers and seems to be genuinely interested in my experiences. The way he asks the questions is quite touching - he almost always makes sure there is physical contact before the question is asked and he looks me right in the eye.

LGR is also continually asking me about camping. I suspect that at sometime in the warmer spring months we'll get around to sleeping outside but in the interim we'll probably pretend to camp and sleep downstairs. I'm not sure how it will work exactly but LGR loves the idea of it.

Hayz is slowly getting over her ear infections. There's some still blockages in their (and quite a bit of rawness) but she's on the mend. Our Dr has told us we can scale back the medication a bit but I foresee plenty more visits to the Dr in the weeks and months to come.