Keeping up with the Jones'
A mini-journal of the happenings of the Jones Clan.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Bike Ride
Friday, November 05, 2010
Monday, November 01, 2010
Holiday is booked
Taronga Zoo
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Quiet Times
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
I Just Remembered I Have a Blog
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Lunch Box
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
LGR went back to school too ....
It wouldn't be fair of me to forget about LGR. He went back yesterday and has become an old hand at it. He seems more or less happy with his teacher ("She's very strict Dad") and is probably most excited about resuming guitar lessons.
He made us very, very proud today. LGR is Miss Hayz's bus buddy - meaning he has to look after in bus lines ie make sure gets on the right bus and help her out. Today Miss Hayz's drink bottle fell out of her bag - and LGR comforted her, found the bottle and then looked after while she stopped crying. I was so proud.
Best of all - I saw it all happen from a secret hiding spot. I reckon he's a pretty good big brother.
Hayz's First Day
Little Miss Hayz started school today. She was so brave and so gorgeous. This pic captures it nicely for me - a bit excited, a bit worried, a bit scared but so completely ready for the challenge.
In the end there was some trepidation but no tears. And that includes myself and Mrs Jones ;-)
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I Win!!!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
12 Years
Monday, December 21, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Out of Office
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Almost There
Monday, September 28, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
A Different Sort Of Day
The first thing that struck me as strange was the mist - it was very dry and not cold at all. In fact the weather was still somewhat balmy. I'd worn a long sleeve shirt and realised very quickly I would get quite warm.
Within a minute or two I also noticed by throat was very dry and my eyes were itchy. My hands felt a bit dirty. Bugger me!!! It's not mist - but some sort of sand/dirt thing in the air.
Suffice to say I kept moving and ended up staying outside for about an hour. By the time I got back home my clothes had changed colour to brown and I had little rivulets of mud running down my legs from the sweat and dirt combining. I smelt like dirt!!!
I spend the next 3-4 hours coughing. As I type I am still occasionally coughing but will probably clear out all the dirt in my lungs just in time to go outside again :-)
There was some interesting commentary about all this on the radio. A young girl (about 8 years old) suggested the colourings made Sydney look like an old fashioned photo - everything becoming sepia toned. A cheeky lad suggested today was National Ranga Day.
My favourite was a bloke who called in claiming to be God. Apparently the folks in heaven had decided to test if they could make the sky run red with the blood of sinners and they were quite impressed with the results :-)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Misty Morning
Summer is coming ...
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Is This the New Normal?
Sunday, August 16, 2009
A Full Weekend
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
It feels like an eternity since we've had an 'adventuring' holiday and it will be a thrill to get and see new sights, do new activities and spend a bunch of time together with nothing much planned.
We should also be able to get some more pics of Mrs J and myself on this trip - both kids know how to use a camera now so we can share it around a bit. We got maybe 5 or 6 pics from NZ and none from Qld in '06 ....
The kids were their Gi to karate last night and they seemed to so much better for now having a 'uniform'. LGR in particular looked to have some really good technique and is beginning to look the part. He has almost learnt his first kata and once this is done there'll be a bit of refinement and then possibly a grading in the near future.
Hayz is still quite happy to play karate and dips in and out of the lessons. Her technique is a little behind LGR but she's so cute when she practices :-)
Monday, June 22, 2009
11 Days
As always our lives have been filled with a lot of nothing - weekends are busy for social reasons again and weeks are busy for work reasons again.
I'm possibly the only person left in Sydney who is still loving the rain. Everything seems so much cleaner, fresher and more vibrant when the rain is about. It's terrific to run in and so important for the world we live in.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
A Sad Birthday
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
The Weekend is Over
Saturday morning began well - soccer was cancelled due to all the rain. Ironically it was a beautiful day with bright blue skies and sun, but the grounds were water logged.
We started the day with some grocery shopping and then Mrs G and Hayz went to do some clothes shopping while LGR put the groceries away and then headed out for some lunch, a visit to Nanna (still in hospital) and some Aqua Golf. Ran into Grandpa at the hospital, broke the DS and saw the helicopter take off. Aqua Golf was fun - LGR hit the ball pretty well and had a good time.
We had dinner guests on Saturday night. The kids all got along famously and the adults had a good time. Dinner was some Chinese which tasted pretty good and was provided at a very good price. Somehow LGR and Hayz got away with sleepovers - LGR went out and Hayz's friend stayed with us.
This wasn't a huge problem - both girls went to sleep straight away and didn't stir until 08:45 on Sunday morning.
After a leisurely breakfast we dropped off Hayz's mate and then made a very good lasagna for our afternoon/evening engagement - a group affair where each family had to provide a dish. Another good evening spent chatting, dancing (not me of course - but plenty of others were doing it) and playing pool. LGR played a few games with me and was starting to get the hang of it by the end of the evening.
Monday was a bit slower. Hayz woke up at 10:00!!!! We breakfasted and showered and decided to head out to visit Nanna and do a bit of shopping while we were out and about. The kids behaved very well at the shops and picked up a few DVD's for their efforts. We were home by about 15:30 and straight into a period of doing nothing.
I worked on LGR's first school assignment with him and we finished our busy couple of days with a lovely meal and a terrific chat.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
I'm Only Happy When It Rains
Instead of soccer training we had a nice, leisurely meal of burritos followed by LGR performing a selection of songs - some on the guitar and some with him singing. LGR has joined the school choir and I love watching him sing at the top of his voice. He's a better singer than I ever was or will be.
I was outwitted by the kids last night. I put them in the bath and told them I had to go downstairs to do a few things, and that I'd be back to wash their hair. While I was downstairs they (predictably) got into a fight.
What I didn't expect was for them both to get out of the bath, pull the plug and then come downstairs to dob on each other and get dressed!!!
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
A week is a long time
Mum had some more surgery last Tuesday. She's recovering pretty well and is well and truly into the next phase of treatment. There is good reason to suspect she will be out of hospital later this week.
LGR and Hayz both played in losing sides on the weekend. Hayz's team got thumped - I think she is actually in an U6 comp and nobody in her team is old enough to go to school yet. The team they played on the weekend definitely had kids who were school age.
LGR's team lost by a goal. I didn't see the game but when I turned up a majority of the parents on LGR's team were yelling abuse at the referee and bemoaning that the boys were losing because the other team were cheating. What I saw of the game (about 3 minutes) looked ok but I won't comment on what came before it. I don't know what it is about soccer parents - in both teams I've been involved in it's all started out so positively and degenerated into vitriol.
What else? I've been running heaps and it feels good. My legs are consistently sore/tired and today my shoulders are a bit heavy - but I'm enjoying it immensely. Including today I've done 10 days in a row .... 3 cheers for me!!! Diet is still a bit shocking so I doubt I'm losing weight.
Mrs G has been going on a few work trips recently. Two weeks back she was in Newcastle for a night, and last week in Canberra for a night. I think she's back up to Newcastle again today but only for a day trip. I expect she'll be tired when she gets home.
There's also been some talk about Mrs G moving into a new job in her present company. Some things have to occur first but it seems as though the question has moved from if it will happen to when it will happen.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Serene LGR

A Long Weekend
Friday, May 22, 2009
I asked him where he knew the song from and he explained that it was from my phone. I played him the full song and he loved it. He loved it so much that the asked me:
"Dad - you know that CD you're going to make me? The one with Powderfinger and Silverchair and Keith Urban? Can you put ABCD on it as well?"
I had a chuckle :-)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Trivia You Shouldn't Miss Out On
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Sort of, kinda
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
A Virtual World
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
A General Update
Everyone in Clan Jones has had a cold of some description. My own version of it lasted just 3 days; whereas Hayz is getting into her 2nd week (after very nearly clearing up over the weekend). LGR sniffled for a few days and Mrs G seems to be getting crook and will probably have a decent cold by the end of the week.
I also managed to hurt my back. Again. Nothing major. I was lifting a 6 year old boy (not my own) over a fence by leaning over the fence and grabbing his hands (I was well and truly on the high side of the fence). As I raised my hands above my head to get his waist above the fence my back gave me a bit of 'cop this' and that was all that was needed for the next two weeks. I've just started exercising again ...
Mrs G is more or less fully recovered from her hospital experience. She is exercising and telling me there is no more pain. Work seems to think she has recovered also - she's back on the road again tomorrow for the first of what I think will be many trips.
The kids are still kids and still intermittently frustrating and beautiful.
The results are pretty impressive :-)

Thursday, April 30, 2009
I Dont' Think So
I don't think Hayz is ugly ....

Regardless ....
I don't really have a lot news. I've booked a trip for Mum and myself up to Queensland in mid May. I promised Mum a holiday for her Christmas present, but chemo had to stop first. Chemo has stopped and she is in between treatments so we are going to jump on a plane, get off at Coolangatta and spend a few days on the Gold Coast. Apart from knowing that Mum wants to catch up with a friend I'm not too sure of what we will do.
I've had a bit of a crook back this week. I hurt it lifting a kid over a fence on Saturday night (have I already written about that??). It gets a little better each day but I haven't been able to exercise since last Friday and I'm getting a bit restless. I might be able to go out and do something on Saturday. Maybe.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Birthdays Everywhere
So, happy birthday to the girls just down the road and happy birthday to the bloke just over the hill.
LGR went into town with Grandma yesterday to see the Star Wars exhibition at the Powerhouse. He enjoyed it, which wasn't much of a surprise. What was a surprise, for me, was seeing him get off the train that they caught into town. I managed to leave work in time to get them both from the station and was amazed by how grown up LGR looked when he dressed up a little. He's still my baby boy but each day he does new things which surprise me and make me proud.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Return of the Son
- Watching craploads of Iron Chef on the Lifestyle Channel (unlike when LGRis at home ....)
- Visiting Jenolan Caves and taking a leisurely stroll through the Orient Cave
Monday, April 20, 2009
Holidays Part II
The second part of our 'holidays' was a trip to Bents Basin for some camping. We arrived just before 09:00 on Good Friday and somehow managed to get setup within about 2 hours. Putting up the tent was fun - it had never been out of it's packaging before but, in the end, was a pretty straightforward process.
What do we when we are camping? Not much on this one. We ate plenty of meat and bread (and not so much fruit and veg), went swimming and set some yabby traps. Yabbying was fun, but highly unsuccessful. We caught nothing but did end up with a few injuries out of the trip through the bush to the river. The kids played a lot of chess and we all played some soccer and cricket.
Easter Sunday was quite good. Hayz woke the tent up by loudly whispering (if you know what I mean) "LGR - there's choccy next to my bed" For his part LGR looked up, confirmed there was choccy and then went back to sleep :-)
Mid morning we setup an Easter Egg hunt for the kids and they spent a very pleasant 30 minutes searching for chocs, and then consuming the fruits of their efforts.
Home time was kind of amusing. 2 out of 3 cars going home wouldn't start - including ours. The batteries had run low due to a combination of air compressor use, radios and just leaving doors open for too long ....
Jumper leads are a very good thing!!!
As much as we all had fun it was very nice to come home. When we got back we all washed thoroughly, popped on a movie for the kids, had an easy dinner and were asleep by 19:30.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Soccer Girl
Hayz got her soccer uniform over the weekend. It will probably still fit her when she turns 10. The shirt and pants are both size 8 (she currently wears size 3 or 4 for most things). The socks come up to her hips when she puts them on. The drawstring on her shorts can go around her waist ....
I haven't seen LGR in his gear yet but in a beautiful little twist of fate both kids are number 5 in their team, and have both size 8 shirts!!!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Holidays - Part I
So what have I been up to?
Last Wednesday started with a bit of a sleep in and then dropping the kids at school. After this Mrs G and I went out for some shopping - some DVD's, BBQ coals and some camping stuff .... In the afternoon we kicked back a little and watched 'Australia' - the movie directed by Baz and starring our Nichole and our Hugh.
I was captivated by Nulla - the half-caste aboriginal kid. I couldn't help but see Hayz in him; particularly in the clear brown eyes, hair colour and strong, open gaze. For me it personalised the movie in a way that the leads could not.
The afternoon saw us at soccer training for Hayz. I'm not sure how or why but she suddenly figured out soccer and ran rings around everyone. She potted at least 8 goals in their training game and was close to unstoppable. Mummy and Daddy were both very proud :-)
Dinner was provided for us courtesy of LGR's school. They had heard we were going through some interesting times and decided to help out by providing a meal. Nice sentiment but I don't think we really needed it.
Thursday was the day of the end of term assembly for LGR. It was nice for both myself and Mrs G to be able to attend - made even more thrilling by LGR getting an award. He has made massive improvements at school this term and we loved seeing it be acknowledged.
The afternoon was a lot of camping prep activities. As always we packed a billion things .... One day we will get better at packing for trips and not take everything we own.
We had some dinner guests on Thursday night - Aunt BJ and her new (old) male associate. It was quite a pleasant evening which has highlighted by LGR serenading us on his guitar while we ate dinner :-)
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Apparently walking out the hospital door was what you would imagine it would feel like to walk out of jail - and being in a car again was like a ride in a fun park!!!